

What are the pockets where hair grows?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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its the hair follicles

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Q: What are the pockets where hair grows?
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Deep pockets from which hair grows?

Hair Follicles

How human hair grow?

How human hair growOur hair grows from our scalp from little pockets called follicle's. It's alive keratin until it grows out where we can see it, then the hair is considered dead hair.

What grows longer hair or nails?

hair grows twice as fast as nails

What time of the day the your hair grows best?

Your hair grows best when you sleep

How do I grow long hair in 3 weeks?

Hair grows at the speed hair grows, it cannot be accelerated.

What scientifically causes curly hair?

Curyly hair grows out of a curved hair follicle, or hair shaft. Straight hair grows out of a straight hair follicle.

How can you tell if your hair grows fast or slow?

Everyone hair grows 1/2 inch every month but you can measure your hair every month and see if it grows

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Hair usually grows on hamsters 10 days after birth.

Does hair grows faster or nails?


Why does scalp hair grows faster than hair on the rest of the body?

The more often you cut your hair, the quicker it grows back. Therefore, since we cut the hair on our head so often, it grows the fastest.

How does your hair grow back after it's cut?

Imagine your hair is like grass. You mow the lawn and after a while it grows back up from the ground. Hair grows from the scalp and when you cut it you are cutting off old hair. Hair grows an inch a month.

How long does hair grow in 1 week?

Everyone's hair grows at different rates but, on an average hair grows about an inch per month.