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The main threat in a tornado is flying debris, which can cause serious injury or death. Collapsing buildings and falling trees are also a hazard. The winds themselves are often strong enough to pick a up and throw a person. After a tornado there can be danger from downed power lines, broken glass and other sharp objects, and broken gas lines.

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Q: What are the possible dangers of tornadoes?
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The most common dangers associated with thunderstorms are lightning and flooding. Other possible hazards can include strong winds, large hail, low visibility, and tornadoes.

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What are two dangers associated with tornadoes?

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Tornadoes produce extremely powerful winds capable of destroying buildings. With those winds come the dangers of flying and falling debris, collapsing buildings, falling trees, and downed power lines. Tornadoes occur during severe thunderstorms and so may be accompanied by other hazards not related to the tornado itself. Such dangers include strong, non-tornadic winds, large hail, lightning, flooding, and poor visibility

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Tornadoes do occur in the UK, so it is entirely possible for them to occr in Basingstoke.

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Does Egypt have tornadoes?

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Can you make a sentence out of tornadoes and echoes?

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