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Well it could mean four things.

1. You are going through menopause (the point in a woman's life when she stops her periods)

2. You are pregnant and you have taken a faulty pregnancy test

3. You are irregular (when a girl does not have her period once a month, she doesn't know when she is going to have it)

4. There is something seriously wrong with you.

In all four of them cases I sincerely urge you to see your doctor because it could be serious.

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Q: What are the possible reasons for missing 3 periods and not pregnant?
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You skipped 2 periods and now you are having one are you pregnant?

It is unlikely that you are pregnant if your period started, missing periods can be caused by reasons other than pregnancy. You go for a check up that to put your mind at rest and of course if you don't want to get pregnany practice SAFE SEX.

Didn't get on her period for a month does that mean she was on the pill?

No.there are many reasons for missing the periods. No.

Is a girl pregnant if they miss one period but get it the following month?

Not pregnant, but get a professional opinion about the reasons for missed periods.

I haven't had my period for over a month but I am still a virgin so its not possible I am pregnant What other reasons could there be?

It usually takes about a year for periods to get regular after they first start and it is not uncommon to skip a period until your periods get regular/monthly.

Girlfriend ain't had period since she got pregnant?

Periods stop when a woman is pregnant. Rarely they may stop for other reasons.

Does missing periods for a month mean pregnancy?

It may or it may not. To find out you will have to do a pregnancy test. There ar other reasons for missing you period, although it is a common sign for pregnancy.

What are some possible reasons for missing a period?

You might be pregnant.if you only recently started your period, that could be a reason, as you may be experiencing irregular periods. i started mine in august '09, and i didn't have one at all in september. i hope this helped :)pregnancy, diet, stress, other underling medical conditions, see ur gp for peace of mindThere are very few reasons; the most common one is being pregnant.You could be pregnant. Or your body could just be changing causing your period to be missed.Irregular periods, recently stopping or stopped taking birth control, recently took the morning after pill, illness, stress, underlying medical conditions, hormonal imbalance and pregnancy.

If your periods arent normal does that mean you cant get pregnant?

No, you can definitely get pregnant. I go 4 to 5 months without periods and I just found out I am pregnant. You can still ovulate even if you don't have a period. Good luck if you're trying to get pregnant.. if not, make sure you are still careful!!

How do you know your not pregnant when you haven't got your period?

Take a pregnancy test. A missed period does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant. There are many reasons for missing a period.

Your periods are delayed are you pregnant?

If you think that you may be pregnant then take a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant or not. Late or missed menstruation does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant, you can miss your period for many reasons including stress or ill health.

What is happening when you haven't been getting your period for months?

It could be a couple of reasons. The first, most obvious one is are you pregnant? If not, then it could be a lack of iron in your diet. Either way, i would get a quick check-up, as irregular periods normally means something is missing from your diet.

Can i be pregnant and still get my periods?

No. Menstrual bleeding during pregnancy isn't possible since menstruation only occurs when the egg that's released isn't fertilized. However it isn't unusual for a pregnant woman to bleed or spot for other reasons -- some of which require medical attention. See link below.