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Animals that are adapated in the wild can lose their homes. More and more Co2 will be emitted into air.

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Q: What are the potential adverse effects from cutting down trees?
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What is the adverse effect of cutting down of trees every year in a large number?

There are lot of adverse effects of deforestation. Soil erosion, floods etc are some.

How does cutting down trees affect climate?

Cutting down trees affects climate because trees having damp moistness in them so when trees are cut down, it permanently effects the ecosystem.

Which is more sensitive to acid rain trees or fish?

Fish is more sensitive to acid rain than trees. However, this does not mean that acid rain will not have adverse effects on trees.

What are the positive effect of cutting down mangroves?

The positive effects of cutting down mangroves might include the clearing of space for other plants or trees. Cutting mangroves in most areas is considered to be illegal because the trees are protected.

How do humans effects the coniferous forest?

Stop cutting down trees and polluting the water so we can have a better habitat for animals!

What is the good effects of cutting trees?

clearing area also making paper for money and more land.

Cutting of trees effects wild life or not?

No. Not really. But the animals living in the branch or tree will have to find a new home.

What effects kaingin system in the environment as well people?

Kaingin system Affects the environment by cutting trees burning

What are the three things that cause erosion?

Cutting trees

What will you say if you see people cutting trees?

"Hello, people cutting trees!"

What is the effects of deforestation on cities?

deforestation mean cutting the trees , cutting the trees means less oxygen and more carbon dioxide , more carbon dioxide means global worming , more global worming means more floods

How can you reduce cutting trees?

== solution of cutting trees: 1st== what do you mean by that? the soulution of cutting trees is to make them..... INTO MULCH!! or wait for the garbage man to come pick them up. =] Your Welcome~ ===