

What are the predators of a duck?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Could be a raccoon or opposum

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Q: What are the predators of a duck?
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What are the predators of duck?

elmer fudd

Do Duck have predators?

ducks have many predators two of them is a wolf and fox

Will muskrats eat duck eggs?

Yes. Minks are opportunistic predators, and the eggs of birds are on the menu.

How much care while your away does a duck need?

a duck needs food and water every day if you have a pond a duck could maybe last a week or so by itself if there are not owls, eagles ,and other predators about

What did a parasaurolophus's duck bill do?

I think it mainly ate plats and drank water. Plus it might of ran from predators

Will they eat ducks?

We don't know who you ask about. Most cultures eat duck.

What are harlequin duck predator?

The Harlequin ducks predators are wolves, foxes, raccoons, snakes, sharks, weasels, hawks, owls, and eagles.

What are ducks enemies?

Yes, ducks have many enemies or predators as they are more commonly known. Common predators of the duck include the hawk, weasels, owl, coyote, and mink.

Mallard duck survival strategies?

The mallard duck will let the gasses combust and fart to scare the predators away. If it doesn't scare them then they yell YOLO and die. C=3 C=3 C=3 C=3 C=3

What animal would attack a duck at night?

Duck eggs are highly nutritious and are therefore a prime food source for many predators including other birds. Raccoons and skunk love them. Muskrat will steal duck eggs given the opportunity as they are omnivores. Fox will chase off the guarding parents and if they fail to catch a live adult duck they will take the eggs.

What is a male duck-?

A male duck is referred to as a 'drake' when he reaches adulthood. Similar to other bird types, the drake can be spotted easily because he has brightly colored feathers or plumage that he uses to attract hens. During mating season the drake becomes susceptible to predators because the plumage makes it so he is unable to fly.

How do you keep and own a duck?

First you need to make some kind of house that can be locked up at night. Something like a chicken coop will do. Your duck(s) need access to water at all times and should be given some type of duck food every morning. Ducklings will get something called duck starter which you can get a a local feed store, when the ducks are older they will get cracked corn, duck pellets, and game bird pellets, do not give them chicken feed or medicated duck feed, also DO NOT give them bread (it is really bad for them). Your duck(s) do not need a pool but would love one if you gave it to them. The duck(s) also need about 14 hours of light, so let them out a 6:00am and put them in a 8:00pm. The duck(s) should also be in a fenced in area so predators don't get them. Some predators to be worried about; hawks, vultures, owls, foxes, snakes, and coyotes. Lastly, visit your duck often and give them treats ocassionally, they love peas, corn, green beans, tomatoes, and hard boiled eggs, they will even drink milk.