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Fungal diseases, parasitic mites and humansare the predators of the Harlequin ladybug [Harmonia axyridis]. This particular ladybug also is called the Asian or Japanese lady beetle. But its manners are far from ladylike. It's an aggressive pest of its ladybug colleagues and of grapes. Unfortunately, many predators are stopped by the Harlequin ladybug's colors. Orange and red tend to warn potential predators away from foul smelling and tasting food sources.

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Q: What are the predators of the Harlequin ladybird?
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What is the classification for orange ladybugs?

Orange ladybugs belong to the Coccinellidae family and are classified under the order Coleoptera. They are commonly known as ladybugs or ladybirds and are characterized by their round bodies and bright orange or red coloration with black spots.

What bug is shiny black round shape with a bright yellow head?

It could be a domino beetle if the yellow is pale and sort of white. Or a Harlequin ladybird

What are the predators of a orange spotted ladybird?

Well, the predators are ants, elephants,tigers and whales. (scientifically speaking) they are well known to be eaten by dogs

Is a ladybird harmless?

Ladybirds are harmless but when they feel threatened they can make a foul tasting liquid that makes most predators spit them out.

What is the differences between a lion and a ladybug?

They are both predators and can be picked on by other animals

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How does a ladybird kill?

A Ladybird does not kill

Is there a foreign invading ladybird?

Yes the Harlequin Ladybird is the new invader. It originates from Asia and differing reports show it came here via mainland Europe or North America. It is believed that some were originally transported along with plants and have bred at an alarming rate. They eat far more aphids than the native smaller ladybirds. If food is scarce, they will then eat the native ladybirds.