

Garden Insects

The term 'garden insect helpers' generally refers to insects that are beneficial as pollinators or as feeders on destructive bugs. Among the best known of the beneficial insects are the ladybird beetle, the colorful butterfly, and the busy bee. What's bugging your garden? Are there slugs in your salad greens, ants in your azaleas, bean beetles in your beans, or some other pesty insect in your garden? Insects like to eat, but gardeners are not willing to share.

1,176 Questions

Do mason bees produce honey you can eat?

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No, mason bees do not produce honey for human consumption like honeybees. They primarily collect pollen and nectar to feed their larvae and do not store surplus honey.

What do bees eat beside nectar and honey?

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Bees also eat pollen, which provides them with essential nutrients like protein and fats. Additionally, some bees may consume plant sap or honeydew produced by aphids. However, the primary food sources for bees are nectar and honey.

Why do bees and butterflies and some mammals visit flowers?

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These animals visit flowers to obtain food in the form of nectar or pollen. Bees and butterflies feed on nectar for energy, while some mammals may consume parts of the flower or the pollen as a food source. In the process of collecting food, these animals inadvertently help in the pollination of the flowers, aiding in their reproduction.

How long does an average bee live for?

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A queen honey bee can live for three to five years.

A drone honey bee can live for up to four months. Although it will die after mating, and any drones will be thrown out of the hive at the end of the season and will die.

Worker honey bees can live up to six or seven weeks in summer, or up to about four months in winter.

How do you get rid of red ants in the garden organically?

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To get rid of red ants organically in the garden, you can try sprinkling diatomaceous earth or using a solution of water and soap to disrupt their nest. Planting mint, lavender, or tansy near ant-infested areas can also help deter them. Regularly removing debris and keeping the garden area clean can also contribute to ant control.

Do katydids hibernate or migrate?

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Katydids neither hibernate nor migrate. The insects in question (Tettigoniidae family) live in low-lying vegetation or trees, where eggs are deposited before the adults die in winter. The eggs of these insect- and plant-eating katydids, also known as bush crickets and long-horned grasshoppers, will hatch the following spring.

How are ladybugs beneficial to plants?

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Ladybugs are beneficial to plants because they feed on aphids, mites, and other plant-damaging insects. By preying on these pests, ladybugs help to control their populations and reduce the damage they cause to plants. This, in turn, can help to promote healthier plant growth and increased crop yields.

How do bee's turn nectar into honey using there digestive systems?

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Bees collect nectar from flowers and store it in a specialized pouch called a honey stomach. Enzymes in the honey stomach begin the process of breaking down complex sugars in the nectar into simpler sugars. Once back at the hive, bees pass the partially digested nectar to other worker bees, who continue to process and dehydrate it by fanning with their wings until it becomes honey.

Is demineralised water good for plants?

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Demineralised water lacks essential nutrients needed for plant growth, so it is not ideal for watering plants in the long term. It can lead to nutrient deficiencies and hinder plant growth. It is better to use regular tap water or water enriched with nutrients specifically designed for plants.

Do bees like fragrensed honey or regular honey more?

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Bees prefer regular honey over fragranced honey. Fragranced honey can disrupt the natural pheromones in the beehive and may cause confusion among the bees. It's best to keep honey in its natural state to avoid any potential issues with the bees.

Why is it important for plant roots to allow water to move only in one direction?

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Allowing water to move only in one direction helps plants efficiently absorb nutrients and water from the soil. This unidirectional flow prevents the loss of water and nutrients due to backflow, ultimately promoting optimal growth and development in plants.

How does camouflage help insects to survive?

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Camouflage helps insects survive by helping them blend in with their surroundings, making it harder for predators to detect them. This adaptation allows insects to avoid being eaten and increases their chances of survival.

Do mantises die after birth?

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Mantises do not die immediately after birth. They have a lifespan that can vary depending on the species, with some living for several months to a year. The lifespan of a mantis is influenced by factors such as environmental conditions, food availability, and predator threats.

Why do bees not pollinate red gumamela flowers?

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Bees have a preference for flowers with UV patterns visible to them, such as white, blue, or purple flowers. Red gumamela flowers may lack these patterns, making them less attractive to bees for pollination. Additionally, the nectar or scent of red gumamela flowers may not be appealing to bees.

What do bees eat when honey is taken?

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Bees eat nectar and pollen collected from flowers. In addition to honey, they store nectar in the hive to feed themselves during periods when food is scarce. Honey is primarily used as their main source of energy during the winter months when flowers are not abundant.

Do aphids bite people?

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Yes, aphids bite people. Any insect with piercing, sucking mouthparts is capable of scratching skin surfaces just as they plant tissues. The experience will be more like getting a minor abrasion from a slightly rough surface than like having the skin broken by a bee, hornet, scorpion or wasp sting or a snake bite.

Do crane flies have feelings?

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Yes, crane flies have feelings in the sense of being able to detect motion. For example, the insects in question (Tipulidae family) possess antennae that are sensitive to motions, movements and vibrations within certain ranges. Researchers often refrain from giving a definitive answer to whether crane flies have feelings in the sense of being able to experience pain and pleasure.

Can you have honey bee hives in your backyard?

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Yes, you can have honey bee hives in your backyard. It is important to check local regulations and guidelines regarding beekeeping. You may also need to consider the space, safety, and accessibility for proper hive management.

Do love bugs eat plants?

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No, love bugs do not eat live plants but yes, they do eat dead matter. The insects in question (Plecia nearctica) may be considered beneficial for cleaning up the ground around plants, thereby discouraging pathogens, and helping out with pollination by nectaring during their adult stages.

Have vine weevils ever been known to bite anyone?

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No, vine weevils are not known to have bitten anyone. The insects in question (Otiorhynchus spp) in fact will not be able to do so because their mouthparts are merged with their snouts.

How long does a digger bee live?

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Digger bees typically live for a few weeks to a few months, with males typically living shorter lives than females. Their lifespan can vary depending on factors such as species, environment, and predators.

How many worms can you put in one container?

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The number of worms that can be put in one container depends on its size and the type of worms. Generally, you can house a dozen or more small composting worms in a gallon-sized container, while larger fishing worms may require more space. It's important to provide adequate space, ventilation, and food for the worms' well-being.

Are honeybees the same as bees?

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Bees are a broad category that includes many different species, including honeybees. Honeybees are a specific type of bee known for producing honey and are commonly kept by beekeepers for pollination and honey production.

What is the chinch bug's prey?

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Internal plant fluids is the prey of the chinch bug. The insect in question may be considered a serious pest of such grasses as centipede, St. Augustine, and zoysia because of the toxin which each sip inserts into plant tissues. The insect uses piercing/sipping mouthparts to break through a plant's exterior in order to wreak havoc on the interior life-sustaining juices.

Do bees have spots?

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Yes, bees can have spots. The spotted nomad bee (Nomada maculata) numbers among the 700 worldwide species of nomad bees, whose presence in North America adds up to 300 species thus far. The two-spotted bumblebee (Bombus bimaculatus) serves as another example, with two yellow abdominal spots.