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Q: What are the prioritized functions of the proteins in the body?
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What is the main purpose of proteins in the body?

There are innumerable functions of proteins in the body. Well, the primary functions of proteins include building and repairing of body tissues, regulation of body processes and formation of enzymes and hormones.

Do proteins have both structural and regulatory functions in the body?

they have have structural, defense and regulatory functions

What are the main functions of Proteins?

The main functions of protein in the body is the build and maintain body tissue and muscles, to aid in the growth of hair, skin and nails.

The main roles of protein include?

protein are broken down by the body to form amino acid and then it(body) rebuids the amino acid into proteins it needs,these protein are used in making body tissues,hormones,skin,haemoglobin etc,generally a living organism is a bag of proteins...

What functions to produce proteins?

Ribosomes functions as factories to produce proteins.

Bioligical and pharmaceutical importance of proteins?

Proteins are important to proper functioning of the body. They help the muscles to stay strong and for important functions to occur.

How is ribosomes damaging to the body?

its not. ribosomes produce proteins in cells so they can carry out different functions

How are complete proteins important for your health?

Complete proteins are proteins that contain amino acids. Complete proteins are important for your health because amino acids help to form new proteins and to enhance biological functions in the body.

Name and briefly describe three functions of proteins?

Proteins are an essential part of living organisms. Their functions include controlling growth, serving as enzymes to catalyze chemical reactions in the body, and as transport and storage molecules.

What are perfect proteins?

Proteins are found in meat,egg,plants are all perfect for our body functions. They digest in to amino acids in our body and provide essential amino acids for our own proteins synthesis. This term may also mean the stable proteins after undergoing folding after synthesis.

What perfects proteins?

Proteins are found in meat,egg,plants are all perfect for our body functions. They digest in to amino acids in our body and provide essential amino acids for our own proteins synthesis. This term may also mean the stable proteins after undergoing folding after synthesis.

Is this true or false proteins can be used interchangeably in the body because they have similar structures?

False. Proteins have very specific shapes and functions and cannot be used interchangeably.