

What are the products in a burning candles chemical reaction?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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The final products are carbon dioxide and water if the burning is complete.
The burning is an oxidation reaction (a reaction with oxygen).

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Q: What are the products in a burning candles chemical reaction?
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Do burning candles use energy?

More accurately, burning candles convert energy from one form to another. The chemical energy available in the wax of the candle is converted, through the chemical reaction of burning, into primarily light and heat.

What type of reaction occurs when a candle is burned?

There are 2; the melting of the candles wax is physical but the wick burning is chemical.

Why burning candle is chemical change?

It is a chemical change because the burning thread is combusted. The combustion is an oxidation reaction. Most importantly, it is a chemical change because after burning, the chemical properties of the thread is changed entirely!

Why do candles burn in the air?

Burning is a reaction of oxidation, a reaction of oxygen with a substance. Candle components are flammable.

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Candles go out when you cup the flame because in order for something to burn it requires oxygen. And in any combustion reaction Oxygen is needed. So when the oxygen is used up in the glass. The chemical reaction can no longer occur.

Why are burning candles and rusting examples of chemical changes?

Burning candles and the rusting of nails are examples of chemical changes owing to the fact that there are chemical reactions occurring and new chemical compounds are being formed as the reaction continues.When a candle burns, the wax and wick of the candle are undergoing combustion and (ideally) being chemically changed into carbon dioxide and water, which are two completely new chemical substances than were present in the candle. In the case of the nail, iron in the steel alloy from which the nail is made is combining with oxygen to form a chemical compound not present in the nail, namely iron oxide.

Does the cent affect the candles rate of burning?

The scent [note correct spelling] does not usually affect the rate of burning of a candle. There would be an effect only if the chemical that furnishes the scent happened also to be a catalyst for burning or to contain a flame retardant, but most chemicals added to candles to supply them with scent do not have such properties.

Is burning a candle wick a chemical change?

Candle wax burning is a chemical change. During the process of burning, the wax undergoes a chemical reaction with oxygen from the air, resulting in the formation of new substances and the release of energy in the form of heat and light. This to due to the fact that candle waxes is a hydrocarbon compound , namely, it is the paraffin wax. Therefore, to be more specific, the combustion equation can be written as follows: Paraffin Wax (C25H52) + Oxygen (O2) → Carbon Dioxide (CO2) + Water Vapor (H2O) If you wish to learn more about candles, please check out ohcans candles. We have blogs dedicated to candle making.

Why does it not hurt when you put out candles by wetting your fingers and quickly pinching the flame?

You are grabbing the end of the fire and stopping the chemical reaction called buyoancy.

What is the conclusion for colored candles burning faster than white candles?

Teddies are furry.

What did the seven candles stand for?

The eight nights the candles kept burning for the people in the hide out

Does burning candles get rid of demons?

yes it does