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Carbon dioxide may be a product of the ethanol fermentation.

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When ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) reacts with carbon dioxide (CO2), the products are water (H2O) and acetaldehyde (CH3CHO).

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8y ago

Ethyl alcohol will not react with carbon dioxide.

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Q: What are the products of ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide?
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What Ethyl alcohol fermentation breaks down glucose into what two products?

carbon dioxide and latic acid

What processes produce carbon dioxide as waste products?

Ethyl alcohol fermentation and the Krebs cycle >>NovaNet

When yeast ferments sugar the end products are?

CO2 as gas and ethanol

What is the waste product of alcohol fermentation?

Lactic acid, alcohol, and carbon dioxide are waste products of fermentation.

Which reaction produces ethyl alcohol as one of the principal products?

The fermentation of sugar by yeast produces ethyl alcohol as one of the principal products. This reaction involves the conversion of glucose to ethanol and carbon dioxide by yeast enzymes.

Ethyl alcohol fermentation breaks down glucose into what two products?

the products of ethanol fermentation are ethnol and CO2

What are the products of fermentation in plants and animals?

The products of plant fermentation are alcohol fermentation, ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide, or lactic acid fermentation. No further energy is gained for the cell.

How ethyl alcohol is formed?

Through fermentation by way of yeast consuming sugars and converting it into ethanol (ethyl alcohol) and carbon dioxide.

What is the anaerobic process where cells convert pyruvic acid into carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol?

The anaerobic process where cells convert pyruvic acid into carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol is called alcoholic fermentation. This process occurs in yeast and some bacteria in the absence of oxygen.

What are the products of fermentation in microorganisms?

Carbon dioxide and either ethyl alcohol or lactic acid. Sometimes hydrogen or methane gases are also produced.

Are ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide the end products of the alcholholic fermentation?

No is the answer. During fermentation of starchy foods, the end products are carbon IV oxide and Ethanol which result from the catalyst used for the fermentation.

What is produced when ethyl alcohol ignites?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O)