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Liquids in radiators are usually water & oil.

The properties of these are that they heat up fairly quickly and store energy for a long time, releasing heat energy slowly. This makes the radiator effective in what it is designed to do.

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Q: What are the properties of radiator liquid and what is the liquids in radiatores?
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What are the properties of radiator liquid and what is the liquids in radiators?

Liquids in radiators are usually water & oil. The properties of these are that they heat up fairly quickly and store energy for a long time, releasing heat energy slowly. This makes the radiator effective in what it is designed to do.

What are the properties of a liquid and how are the molecules in a liquid linked?

Properties: liquids have a definite volume but no definite shape.

What are the properties of a liquid that was formed by two gases?

This is a mixture of liquids (ex.: liquid air).

What is a radiator for?

The radiator helps cool liquids that exits the engine. A tube at the top of the radiator flows the liquid into the radiator. Fans blow air into the radiator and cools this liquid. This liquid is then exited through the bottom of radiator and released back into the engine to be used. Radiator also holds coolant to to speed cooling process of liquid

What does the radiator do?

The radiator helps cool liquids that exits the engine. A tube at the top of the radiator flows the liquid into the radiator. Fans blow air into the radiator and cools this liquid. This liquid is then exited through the bottom of radiator and released back into the engine to be used. Radiator also holds coolant to to speed cooling process of liquid

Why do cars have radiators?

The radiator helps cool liquids that exits the engine. A tube at the top of the radiator flows the liquid into the radiator. Fans blow air into the radiator and cools this liquid. This liquid is then exited through the bottom of radiator and released back into the engine to be used. Radiator also holds coolant to to speed cooling process of liquid

What are the special properties of liquids?

liquid cam flow easily . they have low density.

What part of the earth is very hot and has properties of both solids and liquids?

The Mantle Is The Part Of Earth That Has Properties Of A Solid And A Liquid.

What is a properties of liquids?

Liquids have a definite measurable volume but no definite shape. They assume the shape of whatever vessel the liquid is poured into.

What are the useful properties of liquids in liquid radiators?

Liquid filled heaters use an electric element to warm water or oil which in turn heats a radiator creating natural convective air currents in the room. The thermal mass of liquid holds heat well, minimizing fluctuations in temperature. While liquid-filled heaters maintain their heat for a long period, they also take longer to heat up and therefore are no more efficient than non-liquid filled models. The liquids should have/be: - Low viscosity. - Do not attack materials of the radiator chemically. -Not combustible or explosive.

What physical properties of liquid that make them stick in a container?

The intermolecular forces in liquids are not so strong as in solids and liquids take the form of the container.

What are the properties of volatile liquids?

Liquids is another state of matter. Their motecutes are farther a part so they more freely.This makes liquid flow.