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Q: What are the pros and cons of the penal system in the us?
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You could be in danger.

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Pros and Cons of living and working in the US if a Chinese will be granted a visa to live in the US?

if you live in America and you are Chinese then you shouldn't even be in the usa. but the pros of this job are, you can do what ever u want and not get in trouble. the cons are you will get made fun of for being Chinese.

What were the pros and cons of US joining World War 1?

The pros for the United States joining World War 1 include the reputation of a strong country,they had many alliances, and political gain on the world system. The cons of them joining the war include death, great casualties, and the loss of military strength.

When did the US penal system begin?

From what I can find, the first modern prison in the US, what could be called a prison or penetentiary was the Walnut Street Jail, built in 1773 in Philladelphia, PA. More accurately, the US was built on the idea of the penal system, insofar as there were several penal colonies chartered in America by European nations; think Georgia.

What are pros and cons of nation building for the US as a world power?

There is no answer to this question. This question was created by dinosaurs and does not exist in the human world.

What are the pros and cons of logging?

PROS:1. Creates jobs2. gives us materials to build things3. firewood4. houses5. Trade- Crowned3CONS:1. destroys forests.2. kills animalsThere are not as many cons as pros but if there is too much logging than there will be no more forests and animal species will die. LOGGING IS MURDERING!

What are the pros and cons of the policy of realpolitik?

Realpolitik is a new idea that politics are based on what is currently going on in the world, not what the constitution and other historical documents have deemed important. Pros can include flexibility and liberal thinking, while cons include misjudging the history of the US and unlawful conduct.

What are the pros and cons of not cutting lumber from forest?

Cons: -you cant build or make new things -you cant have an indoor/outdoor fire -some medications have lumber/parts of Pros: -trees give us oxygen -trees are animals homes -trees are a part of life and nature Hope it helped

What are the pros and cons of learning English?

The pros are: 1. It brings us international food. 2. It gives us better relationships with America and other countries. 3. It boots the Korean image. The Cons are: 1. We can lose our Korean culture. Like food or traditional clothes. 2. It increase crime. 3. Foreign workers can spread rumors about Korea.

How many US states have a penal code?

All 50 US states have penal codes. The penal code defines the crime and specifies the punishment for the crime.

What are the pros an cons of federalism?

Pros of federalism include allowing for decentralized governance, fostering diversity and innovation in policy approaches, and providing checks and balances between different levels of government. However, federalism can also lead to duplication of efforts, inefficiencies in coordination between levels of government, and potential for conflict over jurisdictional matters.