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4. Critical Thinking

Analyzing Points of View

What are reasons for and against the spoils system?

For: The political backer might be good for the job.

Against: The political backer might not be good for the job.

Ps: Im on the same page as you

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A positive aspect of the spoils system was that the people who were given the jobs worked diligently and didn't take it for granted.

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9y ago

The people who liked the spoils system were the people who benefited from it. Those who did not benefit from it saw it as unfair, and preferred a system based on merit.

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mhm, yes, yeah, yeee, duh, indeed, certainly... he did. **IMPROVED** Technically, yes, he did. Jackson claimed putting new people into government jobs furthered democracy. One of his supporters put it more selfishly when he compared the process to a conquering army right after a war. This was when the term "spoils system" was born.

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