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Rat terriers are a very interactive breed. They are a working dog and need a job to do or will become depressed and agitated. This manifests in troublesome behavior for the pup's people, like chewing, digging, excessive barking, aggression and poor health. (Just like when people are couch potatoes and in poor health, they are usually not as pleasant to be around as fit, fulfilled people).

A rat terrier is a great dog for a companion if you are dedicated to doing any of the following things with him/her on a DAILY basis, for at least an hour: running, hiking, brisk walking with a retractable lead, playing, fetch, hide and seek, any problem solving dog appropriate puzzle games, agility and "tennis-ball-soccer".

They are skilled varmint hunters and will quickly wring the neck with a quick "shake and break" of any small, unsuspecting creature such as mole, vole, mouse, bird, rabbit or snake if given the chance. They must be socialized with cats to get along with them safely, and especially kittens must be supervised, because of their small size and vulnerability.

Like most terriers, they are quick witted and more on the hyper side, always ready for an adventure and can be aggressive to other dogs in their zeal to protect the homestead or their family. They are full of vigor and can be totally hilarious if you are an active person who can feel compassion for their motivations to always physically express themselves.

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