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Q: What are the qualities of a salty person?
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Related questions

What is another word for qualities of a person?

another word for the qualities of a person is the traits of a person or the vitues of a person

Bad qualities in a person?

Some bad qualities in a person are bad hygene selfish rude

What qualities did the lakota value?

what qualities did the the Lakota value in a person

What does it mean if a boy calls you salty?

When a person calls you salty it means that you are being tough or aggressive or rude. "Why you being so salty" is is a why to sum up all those words.

What is a person identity?

The combined qualities of a person

What is the five primary taste qualities and the cranial nerves that serve the sense of Taste?

Taste Qualities: Sweet Sour Salty Bitter Umami Cranial Nerves: Facial Nerve Glossopharyngeal Nerve Vagus Nerve

How can you put the word qualities in a sentence?

The qualities of a person. eg my best friends qualities are shes really funny.

What qualities do you need to be hardworking person?

What qualities do you need to be hardworking person?"

What are external qualities in a person?

They are qualities like: posture, movement, mannners, voice, and appearance.

If someone is called salty what does that mean?

When someone is called "salty," it means they are being bitter or resentful, usually in response to a situation or comment. It implies they are holding a grudge or being overly rude or critical.

What is giving the qualities of a person to Fortune?


What are the qualities one should look for in a spouse?

The desired qualities of a spouse will vary from person to person. Generally, one should look for a person who is honest, loving, kind, humorous, and intelligent.