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The rating should be in watts and this information will be on the nameplate of the equipment.

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Q: What are the ratings of electric geyser?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of electric geyser?

adv; no need of heating water on stove all the time so no wastage of gas

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an electric geyser?

adv; no need of heating water on stove all the time so no wastage of gas

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A hot spring that naturally shoots steam and boiling water is called a geyser.

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Although electric cars get excellent ratings for their gas mileage, in order to do so they are small and have small crumple zones. Therefore, electric cars get relatively poor ratings for safety.

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Where can you buy a geyser tube -?

The Geyser Tube is a Diet Coke geyser that is powered by Mentos. You can buy a Geyser Tube online from science project websites.