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Q: What are the rcycling simbols?
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You need the simbols

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Do the colors on England's flag represent anything?

no but the simbols do

What are the types of writting?

the writting they had were simbols and their language called Nahuatl

What are the simbols of god Venus?

Well im not very sure but i think on is love.

What is the Japanese simbols for you?

The most common would be 貴方or あなた.

Does rcycling create new jobs?

Yes! Whenever a new recycling plant is established new jobs always remain open with a view to support a cause.

How looks like tire simbols on dash board?

how looks like tire symbols pathfinder 2007

What does the words mean in unknown Pokemon in the cave?

it's depend on what is the simbols. Just try to translate the simbol. I Hope that will help you.

Where is binary used with microprocessors?

The binary code wich uses only two simbols, the zero and the one, actually is used to create the programs that instructs the mechanical parts of the computer such as the microprocessors how to work or what to do.

What do the three arrows on the rcycling symbol mean?

The three arrows on the recycling symbol represent "reduce, reuse, recycle." This serves as a reminder to consumers to reduce waste by using less, reuse existing items whenever possible, and recycle materials to minimize environmental impact.

How can you use chakra to defend my self?

there are 3 chakras that may help ... first open root chakra then the sacral chakra and at last crown chakra pud meditate root chakra everyday before using crown chakra it can break ur head ul hawe bad answers and thing like this then... when u ddefend quickli make the three simbols and defend ul see how it helps u .. if really needy when u make the simbols say :Defensive chakra open: /-/-/ / / / more at / ___ / / / / / / / / / right ive readed this there right the its me who made-----------------/ its the link where did i find it