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CO2 (carbon) is the main product that results from burning paper. The paper is the reactant.

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Q: What are the reactant and products during burning paper?
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What is released during the burning of tissue paper?

a chemical change

What happens during paper is burning?

This is an oxidation reaction; carbon dioxide and water are released.

Why does a burning paper stopp burning?

the paper will end up running out

When paper burns in a fire what is a reactant?

When paper burns in a fire, the reactants are mostly carbon (the main substance in the paper) and oxygen(from the air).

How burning of paper is different from tearing of paper?

because burning of paper is a chemical change while tearing of paper is a physical change

How is burning of paper different from tearing it?

because burning of paper is a chemical change while tearing of paper is a physical change

Why burning cotton smells like burning paper whereas burning wool smells like burning hair?

Burning cotton will smell like burning paper because both cotton and paper come from plants and burning wool smells like burning hair because both wool and hair comes from animals.

When you burn paper what happens?

Burning is a chemical change. When paper burns, various organic compounds within the paper react with oxygen in the air to make products. The products represent a new form of matter, which is a characteristic of a chemical change.

Is burning paper a chemical property?

Burning is a chemical process, not a property.

What is the chemical reaction of burning a paper?

Burning is an oxydation reaction.

HOW tearing of a paper is a physical change and burning of paper is a chemical changeEXPLAIN?

Tearing the paper - cannot be reversed. Once torn - the paper can never be identical to the original. Burning paper - changes the bonds of the paper molecules.

What is the rate of paper?

the burning rate of paper actually depends on the type of paper because they all have different densitys which will affect the burning rate of each type conclusion there are different burning rates.