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Q: What are the reactions and forces that maintain stellar equilibrium?
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What are the conditions of equilibrium when a number of parallel forces are acting on a body can a moving body be in equilibrium explain?

The first condition of equilibrium can be applied on concurrent forces that are equal in magnitude, since these produce translational equilibrium. But if the forces are equal in magnitude but are non concurrent then even first condition of equilibrium is satisfied but torque is produced which does not maintain rotational equilibrium. Hence for complete equilibrium that is, both translational and rotational , both the conditions should be satisfied.

How to make a system of forces in equilibrium just by changing the angles of forces?

By the changing the angles of forces, the system of the forces will be in equilibrium.

Can an object be moveing and still be in equilibrium?

Yes. If the sum of the forces is zero, then the object will not accelerate - meaning it will maintain its speed.

What are the two forces that are in equilibrium in a star?

Hydrostatic and Equilibrium

What is the importance of equilibrium in the study of chemical reactions?

Equilibrium denotes a condition where the sum of forces is zero or balanced. This condition is related to Boundary conditions or limit values for Energy.This is important because at Equilibrium the forces are balanced and the condition is said to be stable and unchanging.

What are the forces in equilibrium?

action and reaction

When forces are balanced what do they call?


Where does equilibrium come from?

Equilibrium is a state of balance. In physics and chemistry, it occurs as a dynamic state where opposing forces or reactions result in a state whose average is at least roughly the same.In the human body, the state of equilibrium (balance) is provided by the inner ear and the visual center of the cerebellum.The word equilibrium is from the Latin equi(aequi) meaning equal, and libra, meaning balance.

What is the condition of coplanar forces in equilibrium?

In equilibrium, the sum of total vertical, total horizontal forces = 0, and movement of the body = 0.

What are equilibrium of coplanar forces?

equilbrium in coplaner forces at rigid body.

First condition of equilibrium?

In First condition of equilibrium the sum of all forces is zero.

What is another word for balanced forces?
