

Best Answer

The answer is simple. You need a PAYED account to continue playing, because the accounts on PonyIsland now expire after 20 days...NOT 30 days. Due to cheating on PonyIsland, trial accounts (known as free accounts or free users) can NO LONGER buy/sell ponies with paid users OR play more than one PG game a day per mini-game. Nobody can cheat now, as PI has changed it's system and is doing things a bit different. 20 day trial accounts were ONLY created to give you a feel of what it is about. Renewing your account is simple. Just go to your "Profile" and select the "Payment" tab above. You've got to use real money and have a credit card and credit card number on your card to buy one online. You get PG and BP, plus a slight raise in your weekly allowance. So, do not cheat as your account will be deleted if you do and if your account expires then by a renewal ONLINE since you CANNOT buy anything such as a membership card for PonyIsland because it DOES NOT EXIST! Renewing your PI account online is your best chance of beating the odds of your account expiring!

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Q: What are the reasons for a ponyisland account expireing?
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You receive an email from your bank requesting that you forward them your account password for security reasons

Why isn't Google exepting the account?

Google may not be accepting your account because of various reasons. This includes because your account was suspended, your account was hijacked, your account is not old enough, or various other reasons. Make sure you use Google's troubleshooter for account problems to try and regain access to your account. Or, if you're creating your account, try to enter all the fields in correctly.

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HorseIsle, or Howrse