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There are a few different reasons that one pays an excise tax. One of the reasons is that the government needs more money for their various projects.

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Q: What are the reasons that one pays an excise tax?
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A tax on perfume is an example of what?

A tax on perfumeA tax on perfume is an example of an excise tax. Excise taxes are indirect taxes on certain types of goods.

A person complains about how expensive it is to be a cigarette smoker One of the reasons cigarettes are so expensive is that?

The government imposes an excise tax on them

What is the difference between a tariff and an excise tax?

A tariff is the tax placed on the shipment of imported goods that are imported. An excise tax is an indirect tax that is charged upon the sale of one good.

Who is liable to collect excise?

The different taxes specify who collects and pays over (and who must do so if someone else didn't). In excise tax, generally it is on the ultimate buyer (like sales tax), but may be on the manufacturer or importer.

What is a tax on production or sale of good called?

excise tax

One Federalist policy that Jefferson quickly overturned was?

The excise tax. Both he and his Jeffersonian followers could not stand it.

How can someone define an excise tax?

According to the official website for the IRS: An excise tax is a tax which is paid when one purchases a specific product, such as gasoline. The excise tax on the product is often included in the sale price, which is the case with alcohol, cigarettes and fuel.

A tax on gasoline is a tax.?

proportional A fuel tax is an excise tax imposed on the sale of fuel;A proportional tax, also called a flat tax is a system under which everyone pays the same rate for taxes regardless of gross income.

A tax on gasoline is a tax?

proportional A fuel tax is an excise tax imposed on the sale of fuel;A proportional tax, also called a flat tax is a system under which everyone pays the same rate for taxes regardless of gross income.

What items get excise tax?

alcohol cigarettes and items like that are taxed with and excise tax

What is an Excise Taxes Lawyer?

An excise taxes lawyer and attorney specialized in an understanding of the excise tax. An excise tax is essentially any tax that is charged when an asset changes owners. An excise taxes lawyer can be used in order to determine that all excise tax laws are being complied with by a producer or a retailer, and to ensure that the business entity is protected from any legal issues that could arise from failure to comply with the tax laws. Excise tax has multiple definitions. However, it is usually used to refer to any tax that is incurred as a result of an event, rather than a state of being. An example of a state of being tax would be a property tax. A state of being tax is incurred because of a given financial situation. Property tax is incurred for as long as the property is owned, regardless of whether any events take place. In contrast, an excise tax is only incurred when an event takes place. In other words, when a paycheck is earned, it is taxed. The payment of the wages is an event. For this reason, income tax can be considered an event tax, or excise tax. The same is true of sales taxes and estate taxes. In other words, in the case of an excise tax, it is not the ownership of an asset that results in a tax, it is the transference of the asset that results in a tax. From the viewpoint of the US Constitution, an excise tax is any tax other than an ownership, capitation, or head tax. Many products have their own specific excise tax in addition to broader excise taxes such as the sales tax. These may include extra taxes on alcohol, tobacco, gasoline, certain vehicles, and so on. The laws regarding excise taxes can be extraordinarily complicated, and can vary a great deal from one location to another. Different products can receive taxes at different rates, which can become immensely difficult to keep track of. An excise tax lawyer can be used in order to sure that all tax laws are being properly implemented. The government may issue an excise tax for one or both of two reasons: to raise funds or to discourage behavior. Many excise taxes are referred to as sin taxes in everyday language. Other taxes, such as income and sales tax, are used not to discourage behavior, but to pay for government programs.

A tax on perfume is an example of?

an excise tax.