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Q: What are the red ichy lumps under your skin on your arms..?
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Do hamsters get lumps under there bums that are skin color even if there not a boy?

Hamsters get lumps under there bums that are the same as the skin color even if there not male. The bumps are commonly found below the tail.

What is The scientific name for lumps of fat under the skin?

The scientific term for lumps of fat under the skin is lipoma. Lipomas are benign tumors composed of adipose tissue that are usually soft to the touch and do not cause any symptoms.

What are lumps under the skin only on the legs?

Painless fatty lumps in the legs are usually due to soft tissue sarcoma. However, to be sure, it is best to schedule an appointment with your doctor ASAP!

I have little lumps of skin under my armpits they are very small about 1mm in height and diameter so are they axillary lymph nodes?

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Why do people sweat under their arms?

The sweat glands are more numerous under the arms, and the moisture produced there does not evaporate as quickly as on skin exposed to the air.

What is a hard lump on your skin?

There are all sorts of lumps in your skin. They can be mosquito bites, goosebumps, warts, zits, and many other types of diseases. If you have a lot of lumps in your skin and are pretty small, they can probably be a goosebump. Sometimes, chicken pox can be formed into a lump. Chicken pox is red, so I'm not assuming you have chicken pox. I am assuming you have goosebumps. You get goosebumps when you are cold. If those lumps are itchy, it's probably a mosquito bite. If it's not, sadly it's probably a wart, zit, or something in a different type of lump. Hopefully this helped!

What are lumps under the skin on each side of the base of the neck directly above each clavicle?

Hmm I think these are lymph nodes

Are the little lumps in your skin fat?


Is getting lumps on your body healthy?

That depends. Some lumps on the body can be signs of bad things going on inside the body; for example, some cancers manifest themselves as lumps on the skin. Still, even if a lump like that appears on your skin, it isn't necessarily bad. Some could just be moles or pimples or other benign lumps on the skin.

For you i have bumps under my armpits and my thigs and on my neck what that's the mean and what about if you have itching skin?

Already know i have non cancer lumps in under my chin but why do they itch and red rash at times? Maureen

What happens when you are ichy?

Generally there is an irritant effecting the local skin area in question. This can mean that the irritant is attacking skin cells, or that the body is utilizing its defense mecanism to attack the irritant.

What does it mean if you have a lump on your neck?

There are many causes of lumps in the neck. The most frequently seen lumps or swellings are enlarged nymph lodes. These can be caused by bacterial or viral infections, cancer ,or other rare causes. Enlargement of the salivary glands under the jaw may be caused by infection or cancer. Lumps in the muscles of the neck almost always in the front of the neck -- are caused by injury or tortolists. Lumps in the skin or just below the skin are often caused by cysts, including sebeacous cysts