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The red letters in some editions of The Bible represent when Jesus spoke. If you notice it is only used in the New Testament, especially in the four gospels (although He also spoke in Acts).

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Q: What are the red words in the Bible?
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Who is speaking in the bold red words in the Holy Bible?

The 'Red Letter Bible' commonly has words spoken by Jesus - usually while on Earth - printed in red ink.

Red writing in the Bible?

Some Bibles put the words of Jesus in red.

How many times is Jesus quoted in Bible?

Far too many to count. Just get a 'red letter' Bible that highlights all Jesus' words.

How many words did Christ speak in the gospel of Matthew?

This is most easily found out by obtaining a red-letter Bible (with the words in red being those spoken by Jesus). Alternatively, you can use the search engine of your choice and find this out, in this manner.

How many times is the color red mentioned in the Bible?

the color red is mentioned in the Bible 15 times.

Why isn't God's words written in red in the Old Testament?

Bibles, called "Red Letter Editions" feature the words of Jesus Christ in red. Jesus only appears in the New Testament, that is why there is no red in the Old Testament. Truly every word of the Holy Bible is inspired by God, and the lack of red in no way diminishes the importance of the Old Testament.

Where in the bible is the color red mention?

RED is mentioned 28 times in the Bible. Too many references to put down. They all relate to the RED SEA. The best thing you can do is buy a Bible and a good concordance and look up Red.

How many words in the bible mean god?

there are 354 words that mean god in the bible

When was the red writing introduced into the Holy Bible?

"Red letter edition" Bibles, in which words spoken by Jesus are printed in red ink, was invented by Louis Klopsch, then editor of "The Christian Herald" magazine in 1899, and first published in 1900.

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Those words are not mentioned in the Bible.

What does red symbolize in the bible?

the red print in the bible are lines that Jesus said * Jesus said Allegedly

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Keep your faith and stay the path of rightousness...your prayers will be answered.