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Nancy - 1970 Never Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth 1-15 was released on:

USA: 24 December 1970

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Q: What are the release dates for Nancy - 1970 Never Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth 1-15?
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What is the best way to mouth a horse?

The best way to "mouth" a horse? Could you please clarify your question? I have owned horses for 60 years, travelled the world for horse events, and I have never heard this term before. I would like to answer your question, if you can clarify it, please.

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Gunsmoke - 1955 There Was Never a Horse 4-35 was released on: USA: 16 May 1959

Why can't you leave a bridle on a horse in the pasture?

The bit on the bridle makes it so when the horse tries to graze, it chokes. Also, the horse can step on the reins and trip. Also, if you leave a bit on a horse unsupervised the horse can severely injure itself....including cutting it's tongue off and/or cutting it's mouth open. You should NEVER tie a horse with a bit in it's mouth or leave a horse unattended with a bit in.

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When you tie a horse to a post you do what?

if you tie a horse up you should always tie a quick release knot never leave a horse unattended when he is tied up

When did Nancy drew die?

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When should a palm rest be used?

I have never heard of a palm rest before but it sounds like it may be a crest release. A crest release is used when jumping a horse. As the horse extends his neck and rounds his back the rider's hands need to move forward with the reins so the horse can stretch his neck and jump correctly. There are 2 types of crest releases, a short and long. Small jumps require only a short crest release. As the jumps get taller and wider the horse needs to stretch his neck more so the rider's hands must 'give' more. If you look at any picture of hunters or jumpers you will see the rider off the horse's back with the hands forward on the neck. Failure to do your crest release will 'bump' your horse's mouth and he may be less than willing to jump again if his mouth is hurt.

Why should you never allow your horse to eat while wearing a bridle?

Because the bit(metal thing in the horses mouth) makes it difficult for the horse to chew/swallow and makes it very likely to choke.

When did the slave trade end for the colonists?

It'll never end, Nancy. Never.

Did Nancy Sinatra senior remarry?

No, after her divorce from Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra Sr. never remarried.

How did Nancy drews mom die?

It's never said how, only that Nancy was 3 when she died (although it seems that in earlier versions Nancy was 10).

What makes Nancy drew a mystery?

Nancy Drew is a mystery because of the way she reacts. You never know what she is going to do next. That is why I think Nancy Drew is a mystery.