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Fossils are the remains or traces of past life in Earth's crust.

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15y ago

They are called fossils.

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Q: What are the remains or traces of past life in Earth's crust?
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What makes the earths crust support life?

The Atmosphere and the oxogen that we have on the crust helps support the life of man and animals.

A trace of prehistoric life preserved in the earths crust?


Where do most of the objects you use in your life originally come from?

From the earths crust

Where do most of the objects you use in you life originally come from?

From the earths crust

Crude oil is often found in the Earths crust why is this a problem?

billions of gallons of oil and tons of coal has been extracted from the earths crust which is obviously leaving an emptyness behind, i find it hard it hard to believe that this space remains empty without any collapse in the crust to fill the empty space. if there was a collapse in the earths crust then it would surely be felt as an earthquake or maybe even a tsunami.Earth is only a few kilometers thickness but crude oil pockets could lie anywhere, even under the sea.The crust has to be bored and plugged up for extraction which causes spillage and harms bio life to upset the ecology.

Why is the earths crust is so important for human life to exist?

We live on the earth's crust that floats on molten magma. Which means we couldn't exist if there was no crust!

What is the definition for fossil?

Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of animals,plants anything that has life and which were in the past.Like the skeletons of Dinosaurs are there which are also fossils.

What provides geologist with evidence of earths past including geologic events and life forms?

The rocks of Earth's crust, especially sedimentary rocks

Where were traces human life found?

Traces of human life has been found on every corner of the globe. Including in the poles.

What is the procedure to make a fault block mountain?

What is needed to make a real life Fault Block Mountain is cracks in the earth and other things. 1. Cracks in the earths crust force some materials of rocks up and others down. 2. The earths crust fractures ( pulls apart) 3. You have you a wonderful Fault Block Mountain

Why does crude oil cause problems to the earth's crust?

crude oil is of lighter density had hence floats on water molecules and prevents any living micro-organism to absorb oxygen/water essential for life mostly found in the earths crust.

Why is it important to trace the ancient organism?

Because fossils are the preserved remains or traces of animals,plants,and others organism from the past.fossil are iportant evidence for evolution because they show that life on earth once different from from life found on earth today.