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There is a risk to people who take Fosamax who have dental procedures done. They are at increased risk for death of the jaw bone, which causes pain, swelling, exposed bone, and deterioration of bone.

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Q: What are the risk of tooth extraction when taking Fosamax?
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Obese people have an increased risk of thrombosis, which is a blood clot traveling through the body, after wisdom tooth extraction.

In high blood pressure Pt is tooth extraction is advisible?

No, because of the risk of bleeding post operatively. It is recommended that the diastolic is below 100mmhg before extraction.

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Deterioring jaw bone and fosamax?

Fosamax is a prescription drug used to treat older people suffering from osteoporosis. The drug was designed to increase bone mass which subsequently reduces the risk of bone fractures. One reported side effect with Fosamax is jaw osteonecrosis. A few years ago, studies also indicated drugs like Fosamax for a long time may weaken bones.

You took your 5 year old for an extraction and the doctor put the gel hoever he did not inject her gums he just extracted her tooth Is this the procedure?

More than likely, it was a primary or baby tooth that was extracted. The injection probably would have been as painful or more painful than the extraction itself. Also, by not using a local anesthetic, the dentist avoided the potential risk of the child accidentally biting their lip while it was numb for an hour or more. He did the right thing.

What ages are most at risk for tooth decay?

Although anyone can have a problem with tooth decay, children and senior citizens are the two groups at highest risk.

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Risk taking is the willingness to take on uncertain outcomes in pursuit of potential gains. It involves making decisions with the possibility of both positive and negative consequences, often requiring one to step out of their comfort zone. Balancing risk taking is essential for personal growth and achieving goals.

Does chemotherapy cause tooth decay?

Chemotherapy can lead to stomatitis and increase the risk of tooth decay.

How do risk taking and risk assessment relate to right and responsibilities?

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What is the meaning of the risk taking?

Risk Taking is important in the concept of Entrepreneurship because you cannot gain something without taking a risk. Risk taking is taking a chance on an outcome, not blindly, but by weighing the possible outcomes based on the available information you have.

What is meaning of risk taking?

Risk Taking is important in the concept of Entrepreneurship because you cannot gain something without taking a risk. Risk taking is taking a chance on an outcome, not blindly, but by weighing the possible outcomes based on the available information you have.