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Q: What are the risks od down syndrome at the age of 47?
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How many chromasomes do kids with down syndrome have?

47 chromosomes

People with down syndrome have how many chromosomes?

47There are 47 chromosomes in someone with Down syndrome; the 21st pair has an extra chromosome. Most people have 46 chromosomes. Down syndrome is also known as "Trisomy 21" - a reference to the fact that someone with Down syndrome has 3 pairs of chromosomes on their 21st pair.

What is the genetic complement of an individual with Down syndrome?

An individual with down syndrome has one extra chromosome beyond 2N. Down syndrome is designated trisomy 21 or 47,XX+21.

What condition occurs when a human zygote has 47 chromosomes?

Trisomic condition in which there is one extra chromosome on an autosome. For eg. Down's Syndrome

What is down syndrome disorder?

genetic condition in which a person has 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46

Does down syndrome affect men and women equally?

There are studies (Am J Epidemiol 1997; 145: 134-47) indicating that Hispanics possibly have a higher incidence at maternal age under 40. The question is as always, how reliable are those numbers.

Why is it that a mongoloid person have 65 chromosomes?

People with Down syndrome, also called mongoloidism have 47 chromosomes. Having 65 chromosomes would be lethal, as normally having 47 chromosomes is lethal. Down syndrome is also known as trisomy 21, because instead of two copies of chromosome 21, a person with Down syndrome has three copies, which accounts for the 47th chromosome.

Is down syndrome a dominant trait or recessive trait?

Down syndrome is neither dominant nor recessive.It is "autosomal" or "other"; it is simply an error in the translation process of Chromosome 21 (three copies instead of two). Instead of 46 chromosomes, a person with Down syndrome will have 47.

Difference between the chromosomes of a person with Down syndrome and a person without Down syndrome?

An individual with Down Syndrome has the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome.

How can people with Down's Syndrome ovulate although they have 47 chromosomes not 2N?

They cannot. They can experience menstruation, but there is no ovum produced.

Can Down syndrome spread to other people?

No, Down syndrome is not contagious. It is a genetic/chromosomal difference - some may equate it to a birth defect, others to a birth enhancement

What does down syndrome mean?

it means that you have 47 chromosomes instead of 46.