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Q: What are the risks of using unsterilized needles?
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Does drug use cause bacteremia?

In people who use intravenous drugs, the bacteria can enter the blood stream through unsterilized, contaminated needles and syringes

Is hepatatis b a communicable or non communicable disease?

Hepatitis B in communicable disease. In most of the developing countries the disease was commonly transmitted through unsterilized needles by unqualified medical practitioners.

How is the human immunodeficiency virus?

HIV can be trasmitted by sexual intercourse, unsterilized needles for things like tattoos or illegal drugs, and contact by blood. All of the above: throught bodily fluids, breast milk, sexual intercourse

How is the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) transmitted?

HIV can be trasmitted by sexual intercourse, unsterilized needles for things like tattoos or illegal drugs, and contact by blood. All of the above: throught bodily fluids, breast milk, sexual intercourse

What is the opposite of sterilized?

The opposite is "unsterilized."

Do you expect turbidity in the unsterilized nutrient broth that was incubated?

Yes, the turbidity in the unsterilized nutrient is supposed to be incubated, Incubation will give the desired and correct results.

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Acid rain and global warming are the man two risks using oil as fuel.

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No, there are no risks when using a latex mattress. Using a latex mattress is just as safe as using any other normal spring mattress.

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What risks are there when using salol?

it is flammable

What are the risks of using a steam room?

There are risks involved with using a steam room. This includes heat stroke, dehydration, and birth defects if the woman using the room is pregnant.

Is there micorbes in the river?

Wherever you have unsterilized water, you have microbes.