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ex. Dust Bowl, hurricane of 1900, etc.

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Q: What are the rural and urban push factors?
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What cause the push and pull factors of rural urban migration?

Push factors of rural-urban migration include lack of job opportunities, poor access to healthcare and education, and limited infrastructure in rural areas. Pull factors include better job prospects, higher wages, improved access to services, and a higher quality of living available in urban areas.

What are the push and pull factors of rural-urban migration of Jakarta?

Push factors: Famine, Draught, Natural disasters Poor Living conditions Low income Pull factors: High income Good living conditions

What are urban push and pull factors?

urban push and pull factors mean, good reasons for moving into urban parts of the country and bad reasons for the move. :/ x

Factors in urban and rural establishments?

For one natural resources

What is urban pull and rural push within a population?

It is important to note that,population continues to decrease in rural areas and increase in urban areas.This is attributed to certain factors that are pushing people out of rural areas and pulling them to the urban centers. Urban pull are said to be things that attracts people to move to the urban centers.This factors includes the following: better job opportunities,better living conditions, education, better medical care,security,industry and better chances of marrying among other factors. whereas rural pull are things that makes people to move away from where one lives.These factors includes the following:Slave trade, trafficking in human beings, not enough jobs, desertification,few opportunities,primitive conditions and famine and drought.

What are Europe's push and pull factors?

The most famous push and pull factor in European history was that related to the Industrial Revolution. People were pushed off rural areas and farmland and pushed into urban areas and factories.

What are push and pull factors of Europe?

The most famous push and pull factor in European history was that related to the Industrial Revolution. People were pushed off rural areas and farmland and pushed into urban areas and factories.

One push factor in rural to urban migration is?

c. lack of employment opportunities

What is it called when people move from rural areas to cities?

Rural-Urban migration. This is normally due to push factors ( things that cause people to move eg. less services available) and pull factors ( things that attract people eg. more job opportunity's)

What are the factors that lead to rural urban migration?

Africa's developing cities expressed a strong demand for labor. In response, rural populations migrated heavily into the developing urban bastions of progress.

Is Canada rural or urban And why?

Canada is a country.It have rural and urban.

What is rural and urban area?

Rural is farmland. Urban is innercity.