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Polar Bears

Arctic fox's


Grizzly bears

Killer Whales

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Q: What are the scavengers in the arctic tundra food chain?
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Is a lichen in a arctic tundra food chain a consumer?

Yes, lichens in the arctic tundra food chain are considered primary producers rather than consumers, as they make their own food through photosynthesis using sunlight, water, and nutrients from the soil. They are an important food source for herbivores like caribou and musk oxen in the arctic tundra ecosystem.

What do people eat in the arctic tundra?

They try to eat very warm food, they also hunt for fish and animals in the Arctic tundra.

Are polar bears at the top of the arctic food chain?

Yes, polar bears are on the top of the Arctic food chain. Then the seals.

What are organisms at the bottom of a food chain called?

the predator

Where are dingoes on the food chain?

Dingoes are at the top of the food chain. They are predators, and scavengers, and will prey on smaller or injured marsupials and other mammals.

What is the scavenger in an arctic food chain?

Arctic Foxes and scavenger birds

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What role do hyenas play in the south African food chain?

Hyenas are scavengers.

Within the food chain of the tundra what determines how fast or slow decompostion take place?

there are no decomposers in a tundra

Where do tundra consumers get their energy from?

Simplistically, from their food. However, the base of the food chains, the producers of the tundra, are the plants such as arctic mosses, which photosynthesise like plants everywhere.

What does low biotic diversity mean?

It means that only the strongest organisms in the tundra can survive, like the polar bears who are on top of the food chain in the arctic. Also there is low number of different organisms there.

What are some scavengers in a food chain?

bacteria is one Vultures, beetles, flies, crabs