


A treeless region characterized by extremely low temperatures, little precipitation and poor nutrients.

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How are grasslands and tundra the same?

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Grasslands and tundra are similar in that they have low precipitation levels, cold temperatures, and relatively short growing seasons. Both ecosystems are characterized by a lack of trees and primarily consist of low-growing vegetation.

Examples of mutualism and why?

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Asked by Wiki User

One example of mutualism is the relationship between bees and flowers. Bees get nectar and pollen from flowers for food, while flowers benefit by having their pollen transferred for reproduction. This mutualistic relationship ensures the survival of both species through these reciprocal interactions.

A relationship wherein both organism benefit from each other is called?

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Asked by Wiki User

A relationship wherein both organisms benefit from each other is called mutualism. This type of symbiotic relationship is characterized by both organisms receiving advantages such as food, shelter, or protection. Examples include the relationship between bees and flowers, where bees obtain nectar and pollen for food while helping pollinate the flowers.

Why is the snow leopards biome the tundra?

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Snow leopards inhabit a range of biomes, including alpine and subalpine regions, but they are primarily found in mountainous areas that often have tundra conditions due to the high altitude. The tundra biome provides the snow leopards with rugged terrain and camouflage opportunities to hunt prey like ibex and blue sheep.

IF an organism has very think fur how would this help it to live in the tundra?

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Asked by Wiki User

Thick fur helps insulate the organism, keeping them warm in the cold tundra climate. This insulation reduces heat loss and helps them conserve energy. The fur also provides protection from the harsh weather conditions and wind chill.

Why does cotton grass grow together close to the ground?

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Cotton grass grows close to the ground to protect itself from strong winds and harsh weather conditions. Its low profile helps it conserve moisture and nutrients, aiding in its survival in challenging environments like bogs and wetlands. Additionally, growing close to the ground may help cotton grass access water from the soil more effectively.

What tundra things start with z?

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Asked by Wiki User

Zooplankton and zinc are examples of tundra-related things that start with the letter "z." Zooplankton are small animals found in tundra water bodies, while zinc is a mineral that may be present in tundra soil.

What eats lichens in the tundra?

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In the tundra, lichens can be consumed by various animals such as caribou, reindeer, musk oxen, and Arctic hares. These herbivores rely on lichens as an important food source due to their ability to survive in harsh tundra conditions.

Why are most animals white in a tundra?

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Many animals in the tundra are white to blend in with the snowy landscape, allowing them to camouflage and avoid predators. This adaptation helps them survive in the harsh conditions of the tundra where food is limited and temperatures are extreme. White fur or feathers also provide insulation and help animals retain heat in the cold environment.

Do wolverines live in the tundra?

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Yes, wolverines are well-adapted to live in the tundra environments of the Arctic regions. They have thick fur, large paws for walking on snow, and a strong sense of smell which helps them to survive in harsh tundra conditions.

Do harp seals live in the tundra?

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No, harp seals do not live in the tundra. Harp seals are mostly found in icy waters of the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans. They generally breed on sea ice and spend much of their time in the water.

What is gause's competitive exculsion principle?

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Gause's competitive exclusion principle states that two species competing for the same limited resources cannot stably coexist if other ecological factors remain constant. One species will outcompete the other, leading to the elimination of the less competitive species from the habitat. This principle helps explain patterns of species distribution and diversity in ecological communities.

What is an arctic plain with sub-layer of permafrost?

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An arctic plain with a sub-layer of permafrost is a flat land area in the Arctic region where the ground underneath the surface layer remains permanently frozen. Permafrost is soil, sediment, or rock that stays below 0°C for at least two consecutive years, influencing the landscape and ecosystem of the area.

How can penguins survive in the tundra?

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Penguins survive in the tundra by having thick layers of feathers to insulate against the cold, and a layer of blubber for additional warmth. They also huddle together in large groups to conserve body heat. Additionally, their specialized circulatory system minimizes heat loss through their feet.

Do deer live in the tundra?

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Yes, deer can be found in tundra regions. However, they are more commonly found in forests and grasslands. Deer have adapted to the harsh conditions of the tundra and can be seen grazing on grasses, sedges, and other tundra vegetation.

What are five animals that live in the tundra?

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there are many animals that live in the tundra such as the snow hare,musk ox, arctic fox, caribou, polar bear, snow owl, grizzly bear.

Do bacteria or fungi decompose cougars?

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Both bacteria and fungi can decompose cougars. When a cougar dies, bacteria and fungi break down the organic matter through biochemical processes, returning nutrients to the environment. These decomposers play a vital role in the ecosystem by recycling nutrients and breaking down organic material.

Do both organisms benefits from a symbiosis relationship?

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Yes, in a symbiotic relationship, both organisms involved benefit in some way. This could include access to resources, protection, or improved chances of reproduction.

Do both organisms both benefits in a mutualism relationship?

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Yes, both organisms benefit in a mutualism relationship. They have a mutually beneficial exchange of resources or services that enhance the fitness of both individuals. This type of relationship promotes survival and growth for both species involved.

How do plants get water on the tundra?

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Plants in the tundra primarily obtain water through precipitation, such as snow and rain. They may also absorb water from the melting permafrost and soil moisture. Additionally, some tundra plants have specialized adaptations, like shallow root systems, to efficiently capture water from the environment.

Can you see the northern lights in the arctic tundra?

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Yes, the arctic tundra is a good location to see the northern lights (aurora borealis) due to its proximity to the North Pole. The dark, clear skies in this region make it an ideal place to witness this natural phenomenon.

Why does it stay bright all day in July in the tundra?

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In the tundra during July, there is a phenomenon called the midnight sun where the sun remains visible for 24 hours a day. This occurs because of the tilt of the Earth's axis and the location of the tundra near the North Pole. The continuous daylight during this period allows plants to maximize their growth during the short growing season.

Is there a fear of climate change for the ocean?

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Asked by Sheman123

Yes, there is a fear of climate change impacting the ocean, known as ocean acidification, rising sea levels, and ocean warming. These changes can harm marine life, ecosystems, and coastal communities around the world. Efforts are being made to address these concerns through policies and actions to mitigate climate change and protect the ocean.

Do seals live in the tundra?

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Seals can be found in the tundra regions near the coast, where they rely on ice-covered waters for hunting and resting. They adapted to the cold climate of the tundra and depend on sea ice for their survival.

Why do few animals live in the tundra?

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The extreme cold temperatures and limited food sources make it challenging for many animals to survive in the tundra. The harsh conditions also result in a short growing season and limited plant life, further limiting the availability of food for animals. Those that do inhabit the tundra have adaptations to cope with the cold, such as thick fur or feathers, and efficient ways to conserve energy.