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Q: What are the scientific names for cleaner fish?
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What is the scientific name for cleaner fish?

The scientific name for cleaner fish is "Labridae." Cleaner fish are known for their symbiotic relationship with other marine species, where they clean parasites and dead skin off larger fish.

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The scientific name for the Japanese fighting fish is Betta splendens.

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There are subtypes of clown fishes with different latin names. You can check names from bottom link:

Is it okay for an Oscar fish and a cleaner to live together?

If by "cleaner" you mean "cleaner wrass" the answer is no. Oscars are fresh water fish and cleaner wrass are marines (ie salt water fish)

Where do cleaner fish live?

Cleaner fish live in coralreefs where they can easily find other fish to clean.

What are Cleaner Wrasse?

A cleaner wrasse is a fish that cleans fish to get there food and help the fish get heathy again.

What does a pacific cleaner fish eat?

Cleaner fish remove scales and mucus from their host.

Is Betta fish same as fighting fish?

Yes. The Betta splendens (scientific name) known also by its common names Siamese Fighting-Fish and the Siamese Fighter.

Do cleaner fish clean fish in colonies?

yes they do

Which fish feeds on parasites living on other fish?

Cleaner fish ,,

What is thescientific name for fish?

Fish belongs to Domain eukariya Kingdom Animalia Phyllum vertebreta.There are two classes of fish.Condrithease and Ostithease.So there are so many types of fish with different scientific names.