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Sclerosis is the term used to describe where there has been wear & tear to a bone, and the body has attempted to make the bony area stronger by depositing new bone & calcium into the area. The area shows up as whiter that the rest of the bone in the area (because of the extra calcium)...
It is hardening, induration, or fibrous thickening of tissue. It can be hardening of different tissues such as those of arteries (arteriosclerosis/atherosclerosis), of the skin (scleroderma), of the muscles (one type is Multiple Sclerosis ~ MS), etc.

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11y ago

MS is an autoimmune disease, which means that the body's immune system turns on itself and starts attacking body systems. When the body starts attacking nerve cells and destroying the myelin sheath surrounding nerve cells, the damaged areas are replaced with a hard, plaque-like scar called a sclerosis. It is actually made of cholesterol, but it is an area of decreased signal transmission through the nerve fiber which causes the associated muscle weakness.

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11y ago

I believe you mean "Cirrhosis".
liver is not functioning due to sclerosis what is it and how iis treated

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