

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (abbreviated MS, also known as disseminated sclerosis or encephalomyelitis disseminata) is an inflammatory disease that affects the ability of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord to communicate with each other. There is no known cure for MS. In this category you'll find information about MS symptoms, treatment and more.

431 Questions

What are multiples of three?

3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 (multiply any number by three or just keep on adding three to the number 3. these are all multiples) hope i helped

How is tuberous sclerosis treated?

Tuberous sclerosis is managed through a combination of treatments that may include medication to control symptoms like seizures, surgery to remove tumors, and therapies such as speech or occupational therapy to address developmental delays. Regular monitoring and support from a multidisciplinary medical team are crucial for managing the condition effectively.

The body's immune system attacks all micro-organism?

This statement is not accurate. The immune system is designed to distinguish between the body's own cells and foreign invaders, such as microorganisms. It targets and attacks only those that are recognized as harmful, while leaving healthy cells untouched.

Why is it adaptive for memory cells to remain in the immune system after an invasion by pathogens?

Memory cells provide faster and stronger immune response upon re-exposure to the same pathogen, aiding in quicker elimination of the threat. This mechanism improves overall immune system efficiency and provides long-term protection against recurrent infections.

Where does countercurrent multiplication occur?

Countercurrent multiplication occurs in the loop of Henle in the nephrons of the kidney. This process involves the exchange of solutes and water between the ascending and descending limbs of the loop, creating a concentration gradient that allows for efficient reabsorption of water.

The purpose of the body's immune system is to protect the body from?

The purpose of the body's immune system is to protect the body from harmful pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and other foreign invaders. It does this by recognizing and attacking these invaders to prevent illness and infection.

Why does the human immune system need so many types of cells?

The human immune system needs many types of cells to effectively respond to a wide range of pathogens. Different cells have unique functions, such as detecting pathogens, coordinating immune responses, producing antibodies, and killing infected cells. This diversity of cells allows the immune system to mount a dynamic and coordinated defense against a variety of threats.

Why is injecting a substance into the skin like injecting it into the lymphatic system?

Injecting a substance into the skin is similar to injecting it into the lymphatic system because the skin contains a network of lymphatic vessels and nodes that can transport the substance into the lymphatic circulation. This can allow the substance to reach the lymphatic system's organs and tissues, where it can be processed and potentially affect immune responses.

How can you cure ms?

There is currently no cure for multiple sclerosis (MS), but treatments are available to help manage symptoms, slow disease progression, and improve quality of life. These treatments may include medications to reduce inflammation, physical therapy to improve strength and mobility, and lifestyle modifications such as stress management and a healthy diet. It's important for individuals with MS to work closely with healthcare providers to develop a personalized treatment plan.

What care needs would be required to provide with multiple sclerosi?

Care needs for someone with multiple sclerosis may include medication management, symptom monitoring and management, physical and occupational therapy, assistive devices for mobility, emotional support, and regular follow-up with healthcare professionals for monitoring disease progression and adjusting treatment. It is also important to support the individual with overall health and wellness practices such as exercise, healthy diet, and stress management.

How far is Jackson MS from Columbus MS?

It is about 173 miles going this way:

  1. Take U.S. 82 WEST to I-55 SOUTH.
  2. Take I-55 SOUTH to Jackson.

Why do people have multiple children?

They don't. Twins are an example of more than one baby. But from your view, our cells are complicated and to have more than one baby would take much more energy than is sensible.

Why do i get light headed nausea hot flashes and it come and goes?

If you have Fibromyalgia, Lupus or MS light headedness, dizziness and nausea are not uncommon. Medications you are taking can also cause these symptoms. You should be checked out by your doctor for any other potential causes.

Would multiple sclerosis affected schwann cells or oligodendrocytes?

Schwann cells are cells that are part of the nervous system, which warps around a nerve fiber and forms the nerve-insulating layer. Schwann cells are not affected greatly in multiple sclerosis, as MS is an autoimmune disease of the CENTRAL nervous system, and Schwann cells are only present in the PERIPHERAL nervous system. In the CNS, oligodendrocytes are responsible for insulating the axons with myelin, but are hardly affected in MS, as MS causes destruction of myelin, not the myelinating agents.

How do ms effect a man sex life?

Before I answer this, remember that you can talk yourself into impotence! If you expect problems with your sex life and start watching for them, you can actually create the problems.

MS (multiple sclerosis) attacks the body's nervous system. There's no way of predicting exactly what nerves will be affected. For example, some people lose control of their lower limbs, some people experience numbness in various areas of the body. The most common effect is sudden, extreme fatigue that can make sex exhausting.

Unfortunately, loss of erotic response can also be a side effect of some of the drugs used to control the symptoms of MS.

The National MS Society has some literature about sex and MS. Please don't be afraid to talk about this with a medical professional and your partner. If MS (or anything else) has affected your sex life, talking to your partner is a good first step: you share the problem, and you have to work together to find solutions.

Is the respiratory system affected by Multiple sclerosis?

Pneumonia can be a complication of MS if the MS has caused swallowing problems (dysphagia), which cause choking and coughing. When this occurs, food and liquids can be aspirated into the airway/lungs. Particles that remain in the lungs can cause aspiration pneumonia.

Can magic mushrooms help you with Multiple Sclerosis?

No. It actually increases memory, cures cluster headaches, and it has shown to decrease tremors in those with Multiple Sclerosis. Psilocybin has also been know to have positive effects on depression, and current studies have gotten grants to do research on these medicinal values.