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The seven resources of a system are people, materials, equipment, facilities, information, money, and time. These resources are essential for the functioning and success of any system or organization.

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Q: What are the seven resources of a system?
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Dominant-subordinate stratification system?

A dominant-subordinate stratification system is a social structure where individuals or groups are organized hierarchically based on power, authority, or control. Those in dominant positions have more influence and resources compared to those in subordinate positions, leading to unequal distribution of opportunities, wealth, and privileges. This system perpetuates social inequalities and can impact various aspects of individuals' lives, such as education, employment, and access to resources.

What are some social factors that influence the evolution of or changes to a system?

Social factors such as cultural norms, economic conditions, political systems, and technological advancements can all influence the evolution of or changes to a system. These factors can shape how individuals interact with the system, the resources available to support it, and the overall values and beliefs that drive change within the system.

Does Gender system function as a system of social stratification?

Yes, the gender system can function as a system of social stratification because it assigns different roles, expectations, and privileges to individuals based on their gender. This can lead to inequalities in power, opportunities, and resources between genders, which reinforces existing social hierarchies.

What social ranking system did the incas use?

The Incas used a social ranking system known as "ayllu," which organized society into different groups based on kinship ties and responsibilities. The highest-ranking individuals were the nobility, followed by commoners and then slaves. This system was based on reciprocity and communal ownership of resources.

Mark views society as a system of interrelated parts while John view society as composed of groups competing for scarce resources. Mark would be?

Mark would be considered a functionalist, as he sees society as a system where each part contributes to the overall stability and functioning of the whole. John, on the other hand, would be aligned with the conflict perspective, which focuses on how different groups in society compete for power, resources, and influence.

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Can you name a system that does not use all seven of the resources listed above?

Since you didn't name any of the resources in your question we cannot answer the question.

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If the system resources drop below the system will crash.

Who manages the system resources in C plus plus?

Resources are the responsibility of the operating system (OS). The programmer can request resources from the OS, but must release them to the system as soon as they are no longer required. As such, the programmer must manage the resources required by the program.

What is Texas Natural Resources Information System's population?

The population of Texas Natural Resources Information System is 20.

When was Texas Natural Resources Information System created?

Texas Natural Resources Information System was created in 1968.

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What are system resources?

anything connected to the cpu is a system resource

What is the definition of operating system resources?

Operating system resources in a PC computer can be pieces like RAM, the CPU, BUS, Graphics, and other hardware components on the motherboard which provide the level of resources for an operating system to run.

How are the resources allocated in South Africa's Economic system?

South Africa has a capitalist economic system and resources are allocated based on who can buy them.

What did the Seven Dwarfs in Snow White do for living?

mine resources