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Q: What are the sharp teeth called that are used for cutting and bit what are the sharp front teeth called that are used for cutting and biting food?
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What are the sharp teeth called that are used for cutting and biting food?


What are your front sharp teeth for?

They are for cutting up your food. For biting off a piece of food to chew with the back teeth.

The eight cutting teeth located in the front part of the oral cavity?

If I am reading your question correctly, then you mean the anterior teeth. There are only six teeth that are considered anterior teeth, though. The order, from outside to inside, goes canine to lateral incisor to central incisor.

What is the purpose of incisor?

flat sharp front tooth:one of the flat sharp-edged teeth in the front of the mouth, used for cutting and tearing foodhope i helped!

Are your teeth responsible for mastication?

Yes, your teeth are responsible for mastication (chewing). Your responsible (front big teeth) are responding for cutting/biting, your canines (sharp pointy teeth) are responsible for tearing, and your molars (flat teeth located on the sides) are for chewing.

What are humans sharp teeth for cutting called?

There are two types of sharp cutting teeth. The first is the Canine (a.k.a. cuspid) and the second is the premolar. However, the canine is the most commonly referred to as the cutting tooth.

Why are cutting instruments often sharp?

Cutting instruments are often sharp because a sharp instrument is better at cutting than a dull instrument is.

What is the name for the edge of a saw?

the sharp is called the teeth and the cutting edge is the blade

What is a ships bow called?

A bow is a front of a ship

What are the 4 types of teeth and their functions?

The Four types of teeth and their functions are... (1) The Molars (back teeth) are used for chewing and grinding food. (2) The Premolars (bicuspids) have a flat biting surface, they tear and crush food . (3) The Canines (eyeteeth) have a sharp, pointed biting surface and has grip to tear food. (4) The Incisors (front teeth) are used for cutting food into small chewable pieces .

What is the cutting edge?

On a blade, the cutting edge is the sharp side.

What is the smell of nitrogen dioxide?

sharp, biting nasty odor