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Q: What are the short thick branched contractile cells of the heart called?
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What are auto-rhythmic cells?

(pacemakers) refers to the cardiac muscle cells responsible for synchronizing the contractile cells to coordinate a heart contraction.

What is the contractile cell?

Contractile cells are the smooth muscle cells of the heart that... contract. They get their signal from the nodes within the heart, which spontaneously fire action potentials (because of leak channels).

What does auto rhythmic mean?

Autorhythmic cells (pacemakers) refers to the cardiac muscle cells responsible for synchronizing the contractile cells to coordinate a heart contraction.

What does auto-rhythmic mean?

Autorhythmic cells (pacemakers) refers to the cardiac muscle cells responsible for synchronizing the contractile cells to coordinate a heart contraction.

What is the difference between myogenic and neurogenic muscle?

The myogenic heart refers to the contractile part of it, while the neurogenic heart refers to the highly specialized muscle cells that no longer contract but instead conduct impulses in the heart.

What blood vessels carry blood to heart muscle?

Capillaries deliver blood tot he muscle of the heart. In fact, it is about 1 capillary per contractile cell of the heart. These cells require a rich blood supply since they are very active cells.

What is the thick layer of the heart wall that contains contractile cardiac muscle tissue is the?

The thick layer of the heart wall that contains contractile cardiac muscle tissue is the myocardium. The layer of the heart wall synonymous with the visceral layer of the serous pericardium is epicardium.

Contractile and non-contractile heart muscles?

The non-contractile element are skeletal muscles that don't contract such as Epimysium,Perimysium and, Endomysium. Contractile muscle contract as a whole muscle instead of single bundles of muscle fibers

What is the fuction of the cardiac cell?

Cardiac muscle cells are the cells that make up the cardiac muscle and help to pump blood through your heart. Each of these cells contain myofibrils which are the contractile units of muscle cells. These cells have the ability to produce ATP quickly, making them resistant to fatigue.

Why are heart cells important?

The Heart muscle cell allows the heart to pump blood in and out through arteries and ventricles, in short it is the responsible one in pumping our heart. It also contracts the same process that our skeletal muscles cell also do.

What are heart muscle cells called?

They are called cardiac muscles.

What does heart muscle mean?

Your heart is a muscle. It is also called the myocardium. The muscle cells in the heart muscle are called myocardiocytes.