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i don't know that's a stupid question and anyway they dont eat penut butter your a peanut!

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Q: What are the side affects for hermit crabs to eat peanut butter?
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Do hermit crabs eat trash?

No. Why would they? Hermit crabs eat all kinds of things. They like fruits, veggies, crackers, peanut butter to name a few. There's also commercial products available.

How do you make toys for hermit crabs?

(This works for MY hermit crab) Put a small spoon of peanut butter on a flat sea shell and they go nuts! they LOVE playing in it.

Is peanut butter good for hermit crabs?

No! They can't eat human food, like twinkies, seasoned meat, and heavly salted foods (unless it's sea salt) They can eat all fruits and veggies(non acidic) , SEA salted nuts, lean (not fatty) meats, ect...

What do hermit crab's love to eat?

Hermit Crabs eat all kinds of things from fruit to peanut butter . But you can also use the hermit crab food that you by at the store that way you'll know they are getting the right amount of nutrition

What is the land hermit crabs favorite food?

Hermit crabs do not have a specific favorite food, but have been known to enjoy a wide variety of food. They'll eat cooked meat (no butter or sauce), shrimp, cuttle fish bone, organic worm castings, organic peanut butter, fruits and veggies (no starchy veggies), and sometimes even popcorn!

What does a hermit crab eat besides hermit crab food?

Hermit crabs can eat a lot of stuff. They can eat peanut butter, lettace cut up, blueberries, rassberries, basically any fruit. Also yogurt in small portions. Really they can eat a lot of stuff. Just expriment with different foods and you never know what they might eat. My hermit crab loves cream chese, so does my cat.

What do hermit crabs feed on and how?

hermit crabs will eat anything but do not give them anything will butter on it it will kill them hermit crabs eat food by pinching the food and pulling it towards it mouth which is hidden to where we can't can't see them. that is why some people get pinched, the crabs think there is food on your hand and pinch

Can hermit crabs eat junk food?

Yes, like shrimp they too are scavengers so their digestive system will handle it. Mine like peanut butter, grape jelly, corn syrup, cheez-it type crackers, popcorn, shrimp tails, butter, and carrots.

How many hermit crabs is too many hermit crabs?

A lot

What can you feed your crab?

A hermit crab is called a scavenger, so they will eat almost anything. Do not give them butter! They absoulutely love popcorn with no butter. My hermit crabs love popcorn; it is their favorite food.

Are hermit crabs herbavores?

No, Hermit Crabs are omnivores.

What Enemies Do Hermit Crabs Have?

fish and bigger hermit crabs