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The side effects of an ear infection would be, nausea, you sometimes can't hear out of your ear, your ear just thumps and throbs. I have had one recently and they suck!! Always blow dry your hair and dress warm! That is my answer. hope it helps.

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This is á very rare case but it still can happen . If you leave the bug in your ear or you don't notice it, it actually begins to breed in your ear. Once the bugs are multiplied they get into your digestive system and clog it up which causes your the hole in your bum to bleed every now and then. I am a doctor and did my 7 years of University at Harvard University and now work at a Royal Womens and Childrens Hospital in the city of Brisbane. The cases that I have come across have seemed very weird to me but for some reason the bum only seemed to bleed on the day or night of a full moon. So if you think you have an ear bug just remember to check with your doctor because even though it might sound silly it is very serious.

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What to do if a bug flies into your ear?

Um... this answer is (Most likely) a lie, so if you REALLY need to know, then I'm not the person to ask. Here: Take an earplug and put it in the ear the bug is NOT in. You do NOT want to push the bug farther in. Take a pair of fine tweezers and begin to reach inside the ear the bug IS in. Careful not to touch the ear. If the bug crawled in backwards, and his head is in the front, reach the tweezers in and try to either, A, squish his head into gruesome, MUSHY, PUTRID ICKY PIECES OF...You get the idea. OR B, pull his head straight off! That's all there is to it! You're done! Well, almost. Now, If the bug has crawled in frontwards, and you're looking at his big, buggy bottom, then do the above steps to his fat, deserving behind! Doesn't that just make you sssSSSOOOO happy?!? Now, be warned (this is why we put the earplug in), that bug will be SCREAMING, YELLING, SCREECHING in pain, so the patient will have sore ears afterward. Now that the IMPORTANT "BUSINESS" has been done, carefully pull the fat, ugly, revolting little tick out of the poor boys ear, and CHUCK IT OUT THE WINDOW!!! HAHAHA!! TAKE. THAT. YOU. IDIOTIC. BUG!!!!!!!!!!! Um, I'm done now. Sorry, I HATE bugs.

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