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You get better.

In most cases common antibiotics like penicillin are used to treat this disease nowadays.

There are a few (10-20) cases in the US every year and there are very few if any fatalities.

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Q: What are the side affects of treatment for the bubonic plague?
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What was the cure in the black death?

There was only a cure available for the bubonic plague, (one of the plgaues of the two plagues of the black death), the main cure which in some cases worked was to pop the boils which were side affects of the plague and letting the puss out would somehow eliminate the plague from the body.

What are side effects of bubonic plague?

Its the swelling of the lyphm the swelling occurs in the groin area under the armpits and the neck

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People who died during the bubonic plague were usually placed in the handle of a giant cataput then launched to the other side of their wall.

How would a person develop the disease that doesn't spread by contact with a sick person?

Rats are what caused the bubonic plague, and spred a lot of it because back in those time periods there were no sewage systems, just little diches on the side of the street for people to use the bathroom in. So you can only guess why so many people got the bubonic plague in the first place.

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because it has a radiation and can cause different weakness.. ......FrauLine

What can Bubonic Plague cause?

The main way to cause this plague is by bacteria called yersinia pestis. The bacteria is spread by bites of infected fleas and rodents. It can also be carried by other small animals. Side effects are headaches, fever and swollen lymph glands.

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Side affects can include minor itching, a warm sensation on the area where the treatment was, tingling feeling, and a slight but not painful swelling.

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currently there is no treatment for Kennedy's disease. Medical treatment is based on lessening the symptoms. Physical therapy is useful in reducing the side affects from the progressive muscle weakness.

What should I consider before seeking treatment for angina?

Side affects from any medications taken. Consider getting second opinions on the type of treatment. Medical facilities readily accessible to the patient.

What were the side effects on the plague?

you art and burp.

How Dangerous is bubonic plague?

yes plague is very deadly. the black death killed over 50 million people from the years 1348-1350. people with the black death only had around a week to live, sometimes even less. children infected with the disease were left on the road side by their mothers and people were locked away to die.