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Bad Life DecisionsFarting

Your Eye balls will melt and fall out of your skull

Over Excesive Flossing

And you will die

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Q: What are the side effect of ecstasy name five?
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Is there something to eat or drink to get the same side effect as ecstasy?


Is ecstasy used for sex?

Ecstasy is not usually specifically used for sex. However, most people report being able to keep going all night on ecstasy. The side effect is that ejaculation / climax is rarely achievable on this drug. Death is also a possibility so keep this in mind.

What drug have the more side effects out of LSD Cannabis and Ecstasy?

It depends what you consider side effects, but by most definitions ecstasy.

Does ecstasy make you feel hot and unsleepy?

Yes it actually raises your body temperature (one potentially dangerous side effect) and usually keeps you awake

Will multiple ecstasy pills increase the duration of the effects?

Yes, but each subsequent ecstasy pill will have a less intense effect, can lead to a longer hangover, and increases the risk of side effects. Also, it will cause your serotonin levels to become even more depleted. Ecstasy use like this is believed to increase the risk of damage to serotonin receptors in the brain.

Is their any medicine without any side effect that can stop pregnancy after five weeks?

There are pills you can take to "abort" the pregnancy, but heavy bleeding would be a 'side effect'. So if you're trying to terminate your pregnancy, there will ALWAYS be a side effect.

Are there ecstasy pills with just a g on one side?


What are the side effect on the blue dolphin ecstasy pill?

A blue dolphin ecstacy pill has a high potency of MDMA but later on as the effect wears off, depending on the health and mood of that person, side effects of the blue dolphin will be most likely make that person depressed, sad, emotional, or any negative type of emotion.

Does ecstasy affect your appetite?

Ecstasy can effect many things. The side effects vary from person to person and also the amount of which you use the drug. Ecstasy can effect all of your senses (sight, hearing, tasting, feeling, smelling etc.) Although it is not common to have your taste buds affected by the drug, it is extremely possible. I would say vision would be the sense that is most affected by the drug, but then again, this drug contains different unknown chemicals and each pill and can be harmful to every aspect of your body and senses.

What are the side affetcs of mixing fluoxetine with ecstasy?

you should NEVER take ecstasy with an SSRI or MAOI drug. You run the risk of Serotonin Syndrome, a potentially fatal syndrome.

Is it common to suffer long term side effects from taking ecstasy one time?

It may not be common, but it certainly happens. Ecstasy is a very unpredictable drug.

What is a sentence for side-effect?

The side effect of this medication is drowsiness.This is a side effect of radiation poisoning.