

What are the side effects of HCG diet drops?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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12y ago

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The side effects are going to be very similar to that of starvation. The primary effects are going to be headache and dizziness.

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Q: What are the side effects of HCG diet drops?
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Do HCG Diet Drops Have Side Effects ?

HCG diet drops are an effective alternative to HCG injections. The side effects that exist with using injections, such as blood clots, bruising and infection, do not exist with the HCG diet drops because there are no needles involved; the drops are taken by mouth. Any HCG diet drops side effects are usually attributed to the diet itself, not the drops. Any time food intake changes, the body must adjust, and the HCG diet is no different. Once the body gets used to the new foods and the restricted calories, minor side effects like headaches, constipation or dizziness will subside.

What are the known side effects of hcg diet drops?

There are many know harmful side effects from hcg diet drops. These include unexpected pregnancy in women, nausea, constipation, and possibly blood clots.

What are some common side effects of the HCG diet?

Side effects to hcg drops can be severe and they are not considered safe. Side effects include blood clots, headaches, fatigue, rash and leg cramps to name a few. Hcg is a pregnancy hormone.

Common Dangers of HCG Diet Drops?

Over the past few years the HCG Diet has increased drastically in popularity.� While the diet, which includes the requirement of taking diet drops, is popular there are some dangers and side effects that people should be aware of. � One of the most common side effects associated with the HCG Diet drops is that it can cause some dizziness.� When taking the HCG Diet drops you will frequently be required to eat 500 calories or less in one day.� This can cause many people to become dizzy due to the lack of caloric intake.� This can also cause headaches in some people. �

Are there side effects of the hcg diet?

The HCG diet does not have any negative side effects. The only problem is that it can be quite difficult to maintain.

What are the worst hcg diet drops side effects?

Hcg diet drops can cause headaches, constipation, blood clots, nausea, vomiting and hyperstimulation of the ovaries. It's basically convincing your body it's pregnant and requiring that you drops your calorie intake to 500 to lose weight.

Is oral hcg diet as effective as hcg injections?

Yes. If you check out Linda Prinster's book, which is pretty much the best one on the HCG diet, she has actually switched completely to HCG drops because they are just as effective, with fewer side effects, and much cheaper.

What are some side effects on women that are on the HCG diet?

Some common side effects of the HCG diet include insomnia and high blood pressure. Consult your doctor about it.

What are the directions for hcg diet drops?

You can take the hcg diet drops directly. You can also mix the drops with a beverage.

What are the best HCG diet drops to take?

You can find a variety of hcg drops with their reviews Hcg ultra diet drops are rated the best. A 15 day supply is $75.

What are the most common side effects of hcg diet drops?

The most common side effect that is possible to happen is an upset stomach. This does not occur in a significant amount of people, however.

What Are Common HCG Diet Side Effects?

The HCG diet is a popular weight loss program that helps users lose weight quickly. With any new diet, there comes benefits and side effects. The HCG has both. The main benefit is rapid weight loss. Does that outweigh the risk of side effects? The most common side effects of the HCG diet include light-headedness, irritability, fatigue, and headaches. These are due to the low calorie diet and your body having to use stored fat as energy. Before starting any diet, consider the side effects and how the HCG diet may effect your body.