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Q: What are the side effects of a female pit going into her first heat?
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Can you neuter a female ferret to keep her from going into heat?

Yes, a female ferret can be neutered to keep her from going into heat.

Can female Rottweiler have periods in between them going into heat?

Can Rottweilers have periods in between them going into heat

Are there any medications for a female dogs first heat?

There is no reason to give a female dog medications for a first heat. Having a heat cycle is a normal thing for a female dog. If you are not going to breed her, then have her spayed as soon as she is out of heat. She will live a longer and healthier life. Cut down her risks of mammary tumors, uterine infections, perianal tumors, etc.

Do female dogs get a period?

they have periods but then it is called going into heat

What are some signs that from a young male that is around a young female dog going into heat?

Female dogs will have light bleeding before going into heat. Males will be smelling them all the time.

How do you tell when your female dog is going to get in heat?

Well they bleed but only for about a week. They are still in heat though they are not bleeding

Why are mothers bitches?

It's a name for a female dog who is going through heat.

How do you recognize when your female dog has her first heat cycle?

The best way to recognize when your female dog has her first heat cycle is to spot the drops of blood that will come from her rear. Her female parts will also appear swollen.

Can a cat go into heat at 4 months old?

Yes. Although, 4 months is the absolute youngest age that a female cat can go into heat. Many female cats do not start going into heat until they are 6 to 8 months old. My female cat did not start going into heat until she was 8 months old.

When does a female jack Russel stop going in heat?

They must die. And then you'll find out.

When does a cat stop being in heat?

A female cat is fertile its entire life. Spay your cat to stop it from going into heat in the future.

When to breed female shepherd in heat?

In her second heat 9 to 13 days after she first starts bleeding.