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The adverse effects of cholinergic stimulants include mostly rash and digestive system complaints, including queasiness, loose stools, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, muscle pain , increased salivation.

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Q: What are the side effects of cholinergic stimulants?
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Related questions

What drugs have interactions with cholinergic stimulants?

Certain antibiotics, especially neomycin, streptomycin, and kanamycin, can exacerbate the effects of some cholinergic stimulants. These antibiotics should be used with caution by people with myasthenia gravis.

What are the side effects of stimulant?

The adverse effects of cholinergic stimulants include mostly rash and digestive system complaints, including queasiness, loose stools, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, muscle pain , increased salivation.

What are cholinergic stimulants?

they stimulate the action of ACh at post ganglionic muscarinic receptors.

Are Cholinergic agents stimulants of the Nervous system?


What are the side effects of roach poison?

If inhaled or ingested, cholinergic toxidrome.

What is the purpose of cholinergic stimulants?

Cholinergic drugs are used for a variety of purposes, including the treatment of myasthenia gravis and during anesthesia.

Who are the people who should not take cholinergic stimulants?

Cholinergic stimulant drugs may not be suitable for persons with asthma, heart block or slow heart rate, epilepsy , hyperactive thyroid gland, bladder obstruction, gastrointestinal tract obstruction, or stomach ulcer.

What do cholinergic drugs produce?

cholinergic drugs are to produce the same effects as stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. These effects include slowing of the heartbeat, increases in normal secretions including the digestive acids of the stomach, saliva and tears.

What are some side effects of central nervous system stimulants?

The most common adverse effects of CNS stimulants are associated with their primary action. Typical responses include overstimulation, dizziness, restlessness, and similar reactions. Rarely, hematologic reactions.

Safety of amphetamines mixed with modafinil?

Amphetamine and modafinil are both stimulants; modafinil however does not have the same potential for abuse. Combining stimulants increases the risk of heart complications and other serious side effects. These drugs should only be combined under the advice of a doctor; if you experience any side effects such as rapid heart beat or blurred vision contact a medical professional immediately.

What effects do cholinergic drugs produce?

Cholinergic drugs produce the same effects as acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is the most common neurohormone of the parasympathetic nervous system, the part of the peripheral nervous system responsible for the every day work of the body.

What are pharmacological effects of stimulants?

Your heart beats faster, your blood pressure goes up, you are very awake, teeth grinding, loss of appetite, and ruinination of the teeth are all effects of stimulants.