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1w ago

Los efectos secundarios comunes de la lamotrigina incluyen mareos, somnolencia, dolor de cabeza, visión borrosa y náuseas. En casos raros, puede causar reacciones alérgicas graves como erupción cutánea, hinchazón de la cara o garganta y dificultad para respirar, que requieren atención médica inmediata. Siempre consulte a su médico sobre cualquier efecto secundario experimentado.

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How long do the side effects last after increasing your Lamictal dosage?

1.33 days

Can you take klonipin lamictal and pristiq all together safely?

I take both Lamictal and Pristiq together and haven't noticed any side-effects.

Was it necessarily Lamictal causing hives that went away four days after discontinuing use if you were taking Keflex for infection after minor surgery at the same time as the Lamictal?

Though most patients handle Lamictal well, hives is one of the potential side-effects of Lamictal, and you should call your doctor immediately if you experience hives. You should not discontinue taking the medication without letting your doctors know. There can be other serious side-effects of quitting the medication cold-turkey. Although hives are associated with a reaction to Lamictal, there is always a possibility that they may have been caused by something else.

What are the side effects from Lamotrigine?

LAMOTRIGINELAMOTRIGINE IS THE generic name for LAMICTAL. It is classified as an ANTICONVULSANT and is prescribed for: adult epilepsy, different types of seizures, bipolar disorder, and for infants and children with LENNOX-GASTAUT SYNDROME. Most common side effects are: headache, dizziness, nausea, weakness, runny nose, & double or blurred vision. ALSO, if a rash develops, SEE YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY.

Could lamictal cause numb hands?

Numbness would not be a common side effect of Lamictal but we "never say never".

Does Lamitrogine Lamictal Cause Hair Loss?

Lamotrigine or Lamictal is an anti-convulsant drug used to treat epilepsy. Although many people taking this medication may not experience hair loss, it is a potential side effect of this drug. Some other side effects of this drug are dizziness, headache, blurred vision, nausea, and a rash.

Is it safe to take alteril and suboxone?

I have been taking lamictal and suboxone for 22days now and this is what was prescribed to me so as far as I know its safe, I have had no side effects.

Are the side effects of starting a 3 yr old on Lamictal too high?

Only you and your child's pediatrician can decide that. However, Lamictal does have a particularly dangerous,but *rare* side effect of a sever and sometimes fatal rash. In studies, 6 children out of 952 developed the rash, just to give you an idea of the chances of this happening. Discuss this side effect with the pediatrician who prescribed the medication. Good luck.

Is taking Lamictal worth the risk?

Every medication has side effects and risks. Whether they are worth the risks are up to the individual and now the medicine effects each person. I was taking medication for depression but soon found out (experienced) some serious side effects (racing heartbeat, dizziness, insomnia, sweating, increased appetite, weight gain, numbness, headaches, etc.). And this medication was supposed to be HELPING me! Some people LOVE the medication that I was on and they definitely feel it was worth it. I, however, do not! What's on the Lamictal site is definitely disturbing: "IMPORTANT NOTE: Dispensing errors have occurred between LAMICTAL and other medications, most commonly Lamisil

What are the long-term effects of Lamictal and could it cause birth defects if taken by the male for a long time?

Lamictal© containing lamotrigine is an antiseizure medicine used by more than 5 million people. The immediate side effects can appear up to 8 weeks and are documented on the GlaxoSmithKline company's site They have a facility whereby you can directly ask from their site or by calling their number.

Does Lithium cause sexual side effects?

No lamictal doesn't cause sexual side effects. It's probably your underlying condition of bipolar disorder or depression itself. It doesn't affect serotonin like the SSRI antidepressants which cause sexual disfunction instead it works through and independent mode of action acting as an antagonist at the NMDA receptor.

If you were taking 25 mg per day of Lamictal and it was increased to 150 mg per day would this cause very bad itching on your sides upper arms and your eyes?

Rash and itching are some of the possible side effects of Lamictal. If you truly have problems with your eyes, or if the rash has become severe, it is important to see a physician since there are possible severe reactions to this and other medications. A dose of 25 mg of Lamictal is very low and is generally just a starting dose; we often increase the dose slowly to help reduce side effects and help improve how well the medication is tolerated, but some people do have problems with medications despite this. Hope this helps! Dr. B.