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Q: What are the side effects of sapphire bath salt if you smoke it?
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Related questions

Can you smoke bath salt on glass pipes?

You smoke the bath salt "from" the glass tube not on it

Can you smoke tranquility bath salt?

Ideally not, as there may be toxic volatile componds in the bath salt.

How long do the effects of bath salt last?

Just Don't Do It .

What is sapphire bath salt?

It's basically. Legal Coke based ectasy in powder so you snort it.

Does it harm your body if you smoke bath salt?

Yes. Smoking anything will harm your body.

What ingredients are in Rave On bath salt?

Rave on bath salt is a research chemical based product in which users to get high. This particular brand includes the chemicals MDPV AND 4-FMC (4-FLOUROMETHCATHINONE). this product is very dangerous and very addictive. Has the effects of speed and extasy.some describe as dymthetic methamphetamine. Usets can snort,smoke,inject.and orally consume

What are the effects of bath salts on pregnancy?

None. There are many myths about home made pregnancy tests but they are all fake and does not work. Bath salt can not pick up on pregnancy hormones in urine.If you wonder if you can put bath salt in the tub while pregnant - yes you can.

What is White Cloud bath salt?

i know i know what this new craze is about white cloud bath salt i know what it is. it is (BATH SALT)

What is in cloud 9 bath salt?

cloud 9 bath salt is a synthetic version of cocain or meth iv heard it works really good it gets you goin for hours and hours but may have sum bad effects the news say

Is bath salt soluble?

Yes. If it were not soluble it would not work well as bath salt.

What are sideeffects of bath salt?

There aren't really any side effects to using it in fact most bath salts have multiple uses just be careful not to eat it because it is also used as a laxative

Where to buy the bath salt drug?

One can purchase Cloud 9 bath salts over the internet. However, these bath salts are actually drugs that can have dangerous and even deadly side effects. Many states are outlawing the sales of this product, and it is not wise to use 'bath salts' to get high.