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Marijuana is not physically addictive. That means that a person will not have any physical symptoms if they have smoke marijuana for a long period of time and then stop completely. However, marijuana is psychologically addictive. The best way i can explain this, from experience, is that when a person is "psychologically addicted" to Mary j they really want to do it. i have never felt that i need to do it, just that it would be good to do.

It is not possible for a person to be addicted to weed in the same way that they can get addicted to alcohol, prescription drugs, pain killers, other illicit drugs, or even food. In addition, it is not possible to overdose from marijuana.

A little more food for thought: How many people do you know that have ever gotten in a fight or violent confrontation when they were high? How many people do you know who have ever gotten in a fight or violent situation due to the effects of alcohol? makes you think... doesn't it?

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If your worried that someone is using both of these, Marijuana is the least of your concerns, it has no addictive properties other than the fact that it is an enjoyable thing (no more addictive than potato chips or Video Games) and virtually no health risks, but Cocaine is very serious. Signs of cocaine addiction would include sketchy behavior, lack of eating (probably very skinny), loss of large amounts of money, and unexplained outbursts of anger. Marijuana is really not a big deal but If your worried that someone is addicted to cocaine Act NOW! talk to them.

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Was Bob Marley a drug addict?

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It varies from person to person, not many people are marijuana addicts simply because marijuana isn't addicting. If someone has a problem with it tell them how you feel. That's the best way I can think of.

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What is marijuana addiction and what are the signs?

Marijuana addiction is more just a mental addiction, it is not psychically addicting. The signs are just the obsessive need to smoke several times a day everyday

What are the signs of a marijuana user?

Signs of marijuana users include but not limited to:contracted pupilsamotivational syndrome (lack of motivation)glassy eyesloud talking and inappropriate laughterbloodshot eyesshort term memory loss

What are some warning signs of marijuana use?

There are no withdrawal symptoms for Cannabis (Marijuana), as it is not a physically addicting substance. It can be psychologically addicting, just like anything else in life that is pleasurable.

What are the signs that a person had used marijuana?

Red fingers. Yellow Fingers

When an alcoholic-marijuana addict displays narcissistic tendencies is there hope for any kind of recovery from the narcissism when the substance abuse is resolved?

AnswerYes, absolutely.

Does marijuana have side effects when you are not an addict?

Yes, Marijuana can make you delirious and tends to make it harder to breathe and also makes things around u faster even if u stop smoking , I learned this out of a books and i learned it in person

Did Samuel Adams do drugs or did he not do drugs?

Yes he did use drugs. He smoked marijuana and sniffed cocaine occasionally. He soon quit knowing that being a drug addict resulted in being a loser.