

What are the signs and symptoms of Cerebral Palsy infants?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Some signs that your child may have cerebral palsy are, unusual posture, unusual muscle tone, often instant reflexes, and early development of hand preference.

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Q: What are the signs and symptoms of Cerebral Palsy infants?
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Signs of Cerebral Palsy vary with the degree of brain injury, so will vary from one individual to another. The most common sign of this disease is developmental delay. Other signs are abnormal muscle tone and unusual posture.

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Various symptoms include differences in muscle tone. Muscles can be too stiff and rigid or difficult to control. This can lead to tremors, difficulty with eating and speech, drooling. There can also be exaggerated or delayed reflexes.

What are some forms or Cerebral Palsy that can be easily diagnosed in a child?

Cerebral Palsy is very difficult to diagnose within the first few months of life. The earliest signs may include missing developmental milestones such as walking or talking. Abnormal muscle tone, poor coordination and the persistence of infant reflexes are also possible indicators.

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What are the signs of Cerebral palsy?

Some general signs can be :Difficulty swallowing, sucking, speaking;Variations in muscle tone, from too floppy to too stiff;Spasticity-stiff muscles, exaggerated reflexes;Ataxia-a lack of muscle coordination;Tremorsan and more.

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