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Assuming your talking about the God of The Bible;

As long as you try to follow the bible as well as you can, and believe that Jesus is the Son of God; God will never give up on you.

If it seems that God isn't answering your prayers, one of two things are happening:

1. What you are praying for isn't good

or most likely:

2. God is simply waiting for the time when it is best for it to be answered. God knows exactly what is best to happen, and exactly the best time for it to happen.

It may not seem like it at the time, but looking back, at some point you will realize that it's true. Our family has been through illnesses and whatnot, but it's drawn us toward a life style that at first helped us, and then helped us to help others. God can always use disaster for good. Something that seems bad to us can actually be used for good.

Hope this helps! :-)

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Q: What are the signs that God has given up on you?
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