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high, rough winds. Green sky, the sound of a freight train.

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Q: What are the signs that a tornado is approaching?
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What are the signs a tornado might be approaching?

You either see it.... OR right before it develops, the air is very still, the sky might be a strange color. Also there will be a visible funnel cloud beginning to come down to touch the land and then the wind will pick up. Other signs include a lowering of the cloud base, rotation in the clouds, and a hole in the clouds in the vicinity of the rotation. If you are looking at the radar image a hook shape, usually on the southern or western flank, (in and individual thunderstorm, not the shape of the large-scale system) can be a strong indicator of a possible tornado.

Why should you not open windows when a tornado is approaching?

You shouldn't. Contrary to popular belief opening windows during a tornado does nothing to save a house and may in fact make damage worse. If a tornado is coming opening windows is a waste of precious time that you should use to take cover.

What are some enviromental clues that a tornado is coming?

Direct warning signs of a tornado include rotation in the clouds and a persistent lowering of the cloud base. Many people associate hail or green skies with tornadoes. These signs do indicate a severe storm, but not necessarily tornadoes.

What signs would you see if a tornado was going to occur?

Tornadoes occur during severe thunderstorms and so are often preceded by heavy rain, strong winds, and hail. Specific signs that a tornado may soon develop include rotation in the clouds, a persistent lowering of the cloud base in or near that rotation, and a clear slot opening up near the rotation. Some people report seeing greenish clouds before or during a tornado. While this phenomenon does sometimes occur, it is not necessarily associated with tornadoes.

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What are signs of a volcano approaching?

Volcanoes don't approach. You might be thinking of a tornado.

What are some of the signals of an approaching tornado?

Tornado Sirens going off

Where to hide in a car when a tornado is approaching?

If a tornado is approaching and you are in a car abandon the vehicle and seek shelter is a sturdy building. If no shelter is available lie in a ditch or culvert.

what device tells us that a tornado is approaching?

Doppler radar can detect the signature of a tornado from a distance.

Which of the following media would you not use to inform the public of an approaching tornado?

I would not inform the public about an approaching tornado with the internet and phone messages. I would not because usually if there is a tornado coming you lose power in the phone and internet lines as a tornado can go into the power critic. hope that helps.

What should you do if an EF5 tornado is approaching your home?

First, it is impossible to know how exactly strong a tornado is before it hits. But if a strong tornado is approaching you should be in your basement or storm cellar which is the safest place to be. Even if the tornado is an EF5 the portion of it with EF5 winds may still easily miss you.

What is a tornado alert?

When there are signs of an oncoming tornado and the people are warning you\alerting you about it, to be prepared.

What might you do if you saw a tornado approaching for your house?

If you see a tornado approaching your house head to your basement immediately and crouch down in a corner facing the wall. If you do not have a basement go to a room in the center part of your house on the lowest floor.

What kind of supplies should you prepare during a tornado?

You don't prepare supplied during a tornado; there isn't enough time. If a tornado is approaching your location, take cover immediately.

How do you write a sentence with worriedly?

She gazed worriedly at the approaching tornado.

How do tornado spotters help people stay safe when a tornado is approaching the area?

Storm spotters can help tell exactly were a tornado is and where it is going, so people in the path can be warned and get to safety.

What do you need to stay safe during a fire tornado?

A "fire tornado" is not a true tornado but a whirlwind spawned by an intense fire. If such a fire is approaching the area where you live you should evacuate immediately.